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looks like bb thinks i'm on a blind steal (5-10)

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Villian (BB) is about 20 - 8 - 1.5 over a small sample5-10 EIGHT HANDEDI'm on the button with Q-Q and it folds to me, so I raise... SB folds and BB 3 bets, I CAP, BB calls.Flop: [Kh 5d 2h]BB checks, I bet, BB folds.Question: Is this the best way to play it?

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Mix in capping and just calling the 3-bet to disguise the strength of your hand and keep your opponents guessing a little bit.
What do You think about capping in this situation (folded to You on button, raising the blinds) a lot with strong hands like A-Q or even A-10 against a BB who is smart and could think You're on a blind steal. So thus capping for equity and if not in a certain instance, to attempt to outplay the BB and not get outplayed.I don't know just a thought.
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Mix in capping and just calling the 3-bet to disguise the strength of your hand and keep your opponents guessing a little bit.
What do You think about capping in this situation (folded to You on button, raising the blinds) a lot with strong hands like A-Q or even A-10 against a BB who is smart and could think You're on a blind steal. So thus capping for equity and if not in a certain instance, to attempt to outplay the BB and not get outplayed.I don't know just a thought.
AQ is a hand that I'm capping a lot at 6-max(I'm a little out of touch with full ring games), A10 is usually just a call for me but it's all dependent on the opponent in question, pay attention to how they usually react to button raises and take it from there.
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Just cap preflop. It's only worth mixing up your play against sophisticated opponents, and even then just calling with QQ here some portion of the time has dubious value.
You think so? I feel like a cap slows down 99-JJ and may get you less calldowns from ace high.
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Since I'm in position, I'd love for the situation to be... call his 3bet preflop, him bet both flop and turn, me raising the turn and taking it down. But that situation is ideal and I can't see into the future. :club:

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mixing up your play does not involve calling with hands you should raise. it involves raising with hands you should call. this is an easy cap, all day long. if you want to mix it up, make the same play with 89s.
You make this point all the time- I see it OVER AND OVER again from you- but nobody ever gets it.You have to have a VERY VERY good reason not to cap here. You don't have one. Syllogism conclusion = cap
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mixing up your play does not involve calling with hands you should raise. it involves raising with hands you should call. this is an easy cap, all day long. if you want to mix it up, make the same play with 89s.
Maybe mixing it up was the wrong phrase, when I really meant slowplay. Everyone calls some percentage of the time here with AA(at least I would think, I really have no idea :-) ), same idea with QQ.Why do you have to have a 'VERY VERY' good reason not to cap? Seems like you just have to make half a bet extra or lose what you normally would postflop, right?Just seems to me like there are certain players who are gonna 3-bet me from the bb with trash and I know are gonna come out aggressively if I don't take the lead away from them.
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If he has a smallish pair like say 6's, the fact that you called the 3bet and raised the flop is almost more intimidating if the flop comes 2/8/10 (or something along those lines.If he thought that you were on a blind steal initially, the cap wont necessarily set off bells in his head that you've got a high pair.

Maybe mixing it up was the wrong phrase, when I really meant slowplay. Everyone calls some percentage of the time here with AA(at least I would think, I really have no idea  ), same idea with QQ.
Preflop? Yeah. When it's already been 4 bet in front of you. Then ill "just call" with aces. Otherwise it's a pointless trick that has you making less money than you should.
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mixing up your play does not involve calling with hands you should raise. it involves raising with hands you should call. this is an easy cap, all day long. if you want to mix it up, make the same play with 89s.
In general, I totally agree. But, I've been thinking about this particular situation (HU v. a blind 3-bet). If the player in the blind is aggressive, then he's generally going to lead any flop if you just call, and you can raise. Whereas if you cap, he will usually check to you, and you'll bet. In either case, there are now 9 SB's in the pot, and it's your opponent's turn to act.I still think you should be capping most of the time with big hands PF, because then when you occasionally cap with a junkish hand, you want it to get credit. But I'm not sure that occassionally calling with a capping hand is necessaily bad in this spot, once you have a history with the opponent.....
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mixing up your play does not involve calling with hands you should raise. it involves raising with hands you should call. this is an easy cap, all day long. if you want to mix it up, make the same play with 89s.
I had to post this yesterday... again...maybe we should get a t-shirt printed up or perhaps invent a neuro-interperative-testicle-fryer that zaps you in the goolies anytime you think about calling a strong hand for no other reason than 'mixing it up'
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mixing up your play does not involve calling with hands you should raise. it involves raising with hands you should call. this is an easy cap, all day long. if you want to mix it up, make the same play with 89s.
Maybe mixing it up was the wrong phrase, when I really meant slowplay. Everyone calls some percentage of the time here with AA(at least I would think, I really have no idea :-) ), same idea with QQ.Why do you have to have a 'VERY VERY' good reason not to cap? Seems like you just have to make half a bet extra or lose what you normally would postflop, right?Just seems to me like there are certain players who are gonna 3-bet me from the bb with trash and I know are gonna come out aggressively if I don't take the lead away from them.
AA is a lot different than QQ, and I'm sure you see why. If you call the 3-bet headsup with AA, you're waiting for the turn to raise, as a matter of course. That's a lot harder to do correctly with QQ. If the flop comes A 46, you'll probably just end up calling down.
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mixing up your play does not involve calling with hands you should raise. it involves raising with hands you should call. this is an easy cap, all day long. if you want to mix it up, make the same play with 89s.
Maybe mixing it up was the wrong phrase, when I really meant slowplay. Everyone calls some percentage of the time here with AA(at least I would think, I really have no idea :-) ), same idea with QQ.Why do you have to have a 'VERY VERY' good reason not to cap? Seems like you just have to make half a bet extra or lose what you normally would postflop, right?Just seems to me like there are certain players who are gonna 3-bet me from the bb with trash and I know are gonna come out aggressively if I don't take the lead away from them.
AA is a lot different than QQ, and I'm sure you see why. If you call the 3-bet headsup with AA, you're waiting for the turn to raise, as a matter of course. That's a lot harder to do correctly with QQ. If the flop comes A 46, you'll probably just end up calling down.
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