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calculating odds

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question about the math..... if someone needs runner runner Q10 to make a straight does the math go 4/47 x 4/46 = ? any help would be appreciated... should be easy but im slow this morning

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  • 2 weeks later...

I calculate relevant statistics all the time. Runner Runner is not one of them. This is simply because it's never a good bet and never something you should be fearful about when playing. Everytime someone runner-runners you, thank your stars they are at your table.Think of it this way, if there was a casino game with a 60% chance to double your money, would you play it? How about 80% chance? 95% chance? Of course you'd play in any and all of the above situations. That's what people who runner-runner you are doing. They are gambling for half the pot (or maybe a tad more) at a huge disadvantage. People who gamble this way go broke, period.

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I will try an answer, please correct my math if I am wrong:Let's assume that it is an all-in situation versus two players and you know that both players do not have Q-T in their pocket (because they turn their card on the all-in).So 4 Q remaining and 4 T remaining with 45 possibilities (52 cards - 3 flop - 2 pockets - 2 pockets)1 - (37/45 * 40/44) = 25.25% = 74.75:25.25 = 2.96:1Am I right?

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  • 4 weeks later...

You can only remove your cards from the equation. YOu don't know what your oopponent has. Or if you are saying they are turned face up already, then yes, I believe you calculated correctly.

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