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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

I'm back in the land of cold weather, wind, and snow. I left CA on a day it reached 90 degrees and arrived in Anchorage to 12 degree weather, caught a plane to Unalaska where it was 34 with 2 inches o

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Since the subject of Pacific hurricanes came up yesterday, and not to rile anyone's feathers, but here is the current pacific hurricane and the difficulties in evacuating. Yes, the name of the hurricane is John, and it is ironic.Aug 31, 4:54 PM EDTJohn forces evacuations; tourists flee CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) -- Tourists fled hotels, desperately seeking flights home, and 15,000 residents of Baja California were ordered to higher ground Thursday as Hurricane John roared toward the resort of Cabo San Lucas.The hurricane soaked beaches on the mainland's Pacific coast Wednesday and early Thursday before it began turning toward the Baja California, where it was scheduled to nick the peninsula's southern tip Friday.Officials were preparing to evacuate 10,000 people in Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo and at least 5,000 others in La Paz, the capital of the state of Baja California del Sur.Shop owners boarded up windows and 15 shelters were set up to house the evacuees. Hotel workers stripped rooms of light fixtures and furniture, in case plate-glass windows were shattered. Residents emptied grocery shelves of food and water, and endured long waits for gasoline. At the airport, hundreds of tourists battled for seats on the few planes heading out of the isolated peninsula. Driving out wasn't much of an alternative - there's only one narrow road, 400 miles long, leading to Tijuana.
Did we not talk about this yesterday?President Vicente Fox hates Mexicans.
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Good to know. If I'm not employed by October, I'll move to Laramie with my cousin that's going to school there and panhandle. I already have built in business there, apparently.And for some reason, I take that as quite the compliment.
I'd hang out with you at lunch. You could have my chips or something. It's definitely a compliment. I've encountered some cool bums before. The ones with the sense of humor are more likely to get something from me (like the guy with the "Wife Hates Me" comment). I could see you having a sense of humor.Side note: Today I was talking with some people in the office about families that make huge donations to universities, businesses, etc. Whatever they're donating for usually ends up being named after them in their honor (The McMurray Library, for example).If I had the money and donated for a project that was to be named after my family, I would rather they give me the option of naming it. You want $1 million for the new business building on campus? It damn well better be called the "Funky Fresh Skool of Bid'ness and Shit" or you're not getting one penny from me.
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yup, but only to douchebag herion junkies
are you sure it isn't heroin junkies? I'm just guessing here, since you typed it herion twice today.
I sort of fixed it. everything else looks fine except FCP is teeeeeny tiny.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tooooooooooooooooooooooo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasy.
Did we not talk about this yesterday?President Vicente Fox hates Mexicans.
Yes, hence the mention of talking it about it yesterday and the ironic comment.Don't you read the thread?
Any of you HOMOS F this P....I'll kill you.
You and what army? You are anti-gun, anti-violence. You wouldn't last more than a second.
I would have thought $300 would get you actual vaginal penetration. Damn, maybe I am cheap and easy.
I'd hang out with you at lunch. You could have my chips or something. It's definitely a compliment. I've encountered some cool bums before. The ones with the sense of humor are more likely to get something from me (like the guy with the "Wife Hates Me" comment). I could see you having a sense of humor.Side note: Today I was talking with some people in the office about families that make huge donations to universities, businesses, etc. Whatever they're donating for usually ends up being named after them in their honor (The McMurray Library, for example).If I had the money and donated for a project that was to be named after my family, I would rather they give me the option of naming it. You want $1 million for the new business building on campus? It damn well better be called the "Sheepfucker Skool" or you're not getting one penny from me.
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I'd hang out with you at lunch. You could have my chips or something. It's definitely a compliment. I've encountered some cool bums before. The ones with the sense of humor are more likely to get something from me (like the guy with the "Wife Hates Me" comment). I could see you having a sense of humor.Side note: Today I was talking with some people in the office about families that make huge donations to universities, businesses, etc. Whatever they're donating for usually ends up being named after them in their honor (The McMurray Library, for example).If I had the money and donated for a project that was to be named after my family, I would rather they give me the option of naming it. You want $1 million for the new business building on campus? It damn well better be called the "Funky Fresh Skool of Bid'ness and Shit" or you're not getting one penny from me.
I can't say no to free chips.And I would attend the Funky Fresh Skool of Bid'ness and Shit, just so I could say I went there on my resume and in interviews.
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I agree with all this. I still cant believe my responding to a guy with my middle finger who barraged me with a slew of cuss words cause I wouldnt give him change or a smoke has turned into I'm somehow not compassionate or have sympathy for people who are homeless. I would never just go up to someone that was homeless to give them a hard time or 'pick' on them. I think the whole thing has gotten blown WAY out of proportion here.
Although, I'm not advocating pushing, I'm saying go to 600. Now, you're letting the BB and UTG that their stacks are committed if they play, and you want the original raiser with you. You just want them to know where you stand. If an A or K comes, less likely that one opponent has it than 3. Also, if you get a draw heavy flop, you're less likely to be able to push someone out with 4 people in a bloated pot than you can against one person by not giving them odds to continue.Just my .02.Also, the extra 200 chips to define your hand there doesn't kill you if the A or K comes and you can still get away on the flop. And, I'm skeptical of min/raises, because at our limits, they seem to mean AA or KK as often as they mean AJ and someone trying to represent a big hand. I don't always give them a ton of credit. Sometimes I win, others I go out in flames when I try to pick off a min/raiser. Either way, on the chance they mean AA, I'm likely gonna call with a small pair, or suited connector, and try to flop big, knowing I can bust a big hand there. It's an invitation. Not trying to beat you up, just my perspective on the situation.Your other points about stealing with min/raises late in a tourney from someone you know will give you the blinds and antes for risking min-chips is dead-on, however.
Man you have come along way!Nice!
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dna4ever says: hey you should show clevage to distract the other players at my game tonight. It works every time.Denny says: my shirt was all unbuttoned earlier showing my boobsDenny says: but i buttoned it up dna4ever says: niceeee, leave it unbuttoned for the gamedna4ever says: maybe let a tit flop out on accidentDenny says:maaaaaybeGood plan
I told her when we were done on hick-vision to button back up!
just think back to your night with blue
OMG! He siad something really funny!SNAp!
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I wholeheartedly disagree with that statment. Based on what I've seen in Toronto (and we have alot) most homeless people suffer from some type of mental disorder. Yes we have medication to help, however, the difference between them and the ones that do take their medication is they have no family or support system to ensure that they in fact do take it.
Should get this guy to help them.cruise_tom.jpg
Quit bloating his ego. He already thinks he's jesus christ.
Can he hit a curve ball?
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Ok all caught up and trying to finish before alan gets home with the food. Michael congrats on the cash. Nice backing out on the coming to Nashville if you finish in the top 5. Brett glad you had a good time at the concert. I used to worry when we went to see Kiss so much that it would just be the same show over and over but this was never the case. I guess Kiss really cares about giving their fans a fresh experience and their monies worth. :club: Ang and Lance I hope you guys stay safe. That is a very scary situation.I have absolutely no problem with police officers. I think they are very sexy. As for the homeless discussion, Alan is usually very nice and giving to the homeless, this one incident does not define him. I have been with him on more than one occassion at this McD's downtown and had homeless men come up and ask for money. I always want to just say sorry and turn away but Alan has taken them up to the counter and bought them a meal. He has also told me of situations like this when he has gone out for his lunch and bought a homeless person a meal. As for the guy with the sign, I had seen him on a prior trip to the mall on a different street with a sign that just said "Needs work". I am sure that the "wife hates me" was added for the humorous effect that it got from me and Alan. We also teach our children to respect all people regardless of their situation or their "disability".

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Should get this guy to help them.cruise_tom.jpgCan he hit a curve ball?
Up your butt, Jobu.
I had something to say, then I realized it was dumb so nevermind.
Yeah, what the hell?I was going to quote your post but all I saw was a period.
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