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what ya hate about home games with friends!!

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I Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Home GamesI can't stand that players are always missing because they are outside smoking then they get annoyed when we much their cardsI can't stand when someone yells across the room that they could not believe I went all in with that hand because it was not a premium hand (it was a turbo freeroll and I went in with AQ against a very well known bluffer.)I can't stand when you have to tell someone to show their cards when you are in an all in situation. They are showing everyone behind them except for the person who is in the hand. We have a dealer at each table. Granted, they are not professional. But I can't stand a slow dealer who doesn't keep the table going. We play with rebuys for the first hour so if you are on a slow table without any rebuys, you are going to be short stacked when you get to the final table.I can't stand when weaker plays suck out on me when I have a high pocker pair and I am short stacked. I am still burning when I got called and we were both all in and he had 3 9 of clubs and I had pocket queens. Yeah, 2 threes hit the board. I can't stand when I suck out on someone I really like. I feel kind of guilty. Especially if I consider them a better player than I am.Now... someone want to start a thread on what I like about home games because I can write three times as much about that.

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When people at the table say, "I don't really know how to play but I can read people really well."Or when the beginner sucks out on me and tries to argue with me that he made the right choice because he won the hand....(that one particularly drives me insane!)

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Like others.I enjoy the talking and the laughing, but sometimes they know it's on them and they just keep talking and we always joke around by saying lots of cuss words but they just won't shutup.Oh, and a lot of the people who I play with are underage and have never played online or casino and they win once or twice and think they're better then me.

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I think that if you are annoyed by the social aspect of home games, than you are most likely wasting your time. I always made much better money online, and got many many more hands per hour. But unlike some people, I enjoy human contact. If you are looking for a serious "blood" game, a home game usually won't do the trick.Learn to enjoy the time you have in home games. Since all of my poker friends at school have either dropped out, or went on co-op on back home or in a different city, I have not been able to get a single game together. They weren't good players, but they were good company.

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Nice thread OP, I've been waiting for something like this, finally I can rant about the idiots at me home game...1. People buying in with change...seriously, just find a $10 bill, it's not that hard2. Every single person buying into a $10 tourny with $20 bills....see #13. People who buy into cash games with $2 when everyone else buys in for $10-$20, bust out, then proceed to buy in with $.75, bust out, then proceed to borrow $.5 in chips from someone, bust out, etc. etc.4. People who tell the exact stories every single week, with most of them trying to show how good he is at poker, and how everybody else sucks.5. People who think they are f'n pros, and always try to put reads on you, but are never even close.6. People who say "I hadn't seen a 9 or a 6 come up on the board for awhile, so they were due up" after calling a big pre-flop bet and flopping a boat with 69 off.7. People who only play if they won the last week, and only if it's a $5 buy-in.aahhhh, that feels much better.ps. My thanks to all the people I just mentioned for all the money over the past year.

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I hate it when new players don't know the betting structure, and raise the bet less than they are suppose to. I don't want to say anything and seem like a know it all jerk, so I let it slide knowing in the end it doesn't really matter since I'll be the one with all the chips at the end

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Everyone buying in a $10 tourney with a $20 bill is something I can definitely relate to. So, we just decided to up the buy-in to $20. And I agree with pretty much every single post on this thread.

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I hate when the people who are out want to change blind structure and skip every other blind level just because they want to start a new game.I hate when people don't know who won the hand. I have to always correct them on stuff like.... one guy has A9 and the other has A4 and the board reads: 8 7 K 7 8 and they ALL think A9 won the pot. That happens way too much. I would hate to see what happens when I'm not there...

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Oh god I have so many.The bad player who thinks he's good who makes a bad call and then trys to justify their call. Just admit you played the hand terribly, got lucky and move on. Its really bad when this person justifys every play they make even when no one asks or complains about their bad call.The gf who plays occasionally and everytime acts like she doesn't know what she's doing even though its obvious she does. It worked the first time, not anymore, stop asking how much each coloured chip is worth, you know, your just waisting time.The idiot who goes all in and pushes his chips in the pot without counting them out.The idiot who throws the deck of cards cause they got sucked out on.The idiot who knows there behind in a hand but doesnt feel like playing anymore so they call, suck out and now that they have chips feels like taking it seriously again.The players who bust out and want to see every hand you get.The jerk who takes your cards from the much and looks at them after you refused to show your hand when they folded.People who want to rabbit hunt the flop, turn AND river every hand.The person who says I can't believe you folded that (referring to a hand like K4) and then you say I was first to act and thats a poor hand so they respond with, but its King high and then do this for almost any hand any one plays.The guy who comes 20 minutes late even after we did rebuys and gets mad that we won't let them buy in. How about you wait for the next game or get here earlier.The constant smoke breaks, although they have lessened with my friends cause we have started folding there hands if they aren't back in time.When we play with a stupid structure like too few chips for the amount of blinds and how often they go up. I know we can't play for 6 hours but can we not make it an all in fest after the first 20 minutes.Someone folds 48, the flop come 488 and they let out a moan, grab their cards from the muck and show anyone else who is out what they folded. Thanks for telling everyone left in the hand what cards are mucked for sure.The person so drunk they don't know what they are doing, takes for ever to act but some how can't lose and ruins the game cause they are passing out on the chips.People giving advice during hands, like telling some one to call an all in or predicting what others have.I forgot this one. The person who doesn't realize they have a winning hand and are about to muck their cards and then some one yells out, STRAIGHT or FLUSH and they end up taking the pot. I feel since everyone takes turns dealing when they are the button then its up to each player to read his own hand since we don't have a designated dealer. So if you can't read your hand and muck, you lose.Thats all I can think of for now. It might sound like I hate my home games but I don't, these are things that don't happen all the time but have happened occasionaly. Usually we get drunk, watch tv, [;ay some cards and have a good time.

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With my home game the majority of the players are decent . So I have to come up with new tyles of play each month so I'm throwing different things out there that they have not seen before. So thats the really thing I dont like about ibecause I have to constantly make new styles of play to win only like 60 dollars.

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Actually I rather like home games. I like the social atmosphere-- hanging around a friend's house playing some cards and watching the game (hockey or football, depending on the time of year). The fact that the majority of players at my ex-regular home game were worse poker players was (for me anyway) an added bonus. The host, on the other hand, was a skilled opponent. He was (easily) better than me in limit hold'em (NOT my best game) and pot limit omaha but I felt I had the edge in NLHE and limit omaha H/L. It was fun talking poker and strategy with him, -- and playing against him definitey kept me on my toes.It certainly helped that the other players in the home game all had good jobs (hence lots of money to throw around). Our tournements were $100 buy-ins, and when we played cash games, it was 5-10 limit. So although I would make more money in the casino or card rooms, the atmosphere was better, the camradrie was definitely better, and... there was NO RAKE!Best of all, I liked that it was dealer's choice, so tournements were restricted to all flop games (HE, Omaha, Omaha H/L, Pineapple, Crazy pineapple), while the cash games were open to any form of poker (including 7 stud, chicago, even guts...)Nevertheless, since this is a "what I hate most about home games" thread, I will add my woes.1) The play is definitely slower than casino play, and a million times slower than online play (espicially H/L split games!)2) You may not get invited back if you never "donate" to the host by losing on occasion (as long as you get along with everyone else, this probably would never happen... but you never know).3) It takes FOREVER to start (counting out chips, money; WAITING for so-and-so to arrive because he called saying he'd be 10 minutes late... 50 minutes later he finally calls to say he can't make it)4) it's sometimes diffficult to arrange a suitable day for everyone involvedBut worst of all...5) Since I moved to Vancouver this September, I can no longer take part in this "Juicy" Winnipeg home game any more......Guess I had better start looking for one around here...CheersMerby

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I hate when.....1)someone pays the buy-in with change.2)someone mucks their hand only to grab it out of the muck when the flop would have hit them.3)I try to recommend to a player how he could play the hand better and proceeds to rip on me for thinking I'm good.4)people come to the game then try to claim that someone else has to buy in for them because they owe them money.5)noone takes the game seriously but me and one other person.6)someone says they are getting sick of playing so they call your all in raise with 56 against your AA and proceed to win the hand. Then they are suddenly rejuvenated and start playing their A game.7)the worst player wins. No explantion other than it just bothers me!8)the same fat ass friend keeps getting up to get more food.9)noone will play higher than a 5 dollar buy in even though me and all my friends that play all have more than enough money to play a buy in of at least 50 dollars every time.10)noone will play anything but hold em even though we all know how to play more than just that.11)my friend who runs the game only gives us 1500 chips to start and will never switch it up and let us have a deepstack tourney with like 5000 in chips, even though we have enough chips for it. He then says, "if you want to change the rules, have the game at your place."12)WHEN I DON'T WINOk, I feel better now.

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When for five weeks straight your pair of jacks (or queens/kings/aces) gets sucked out on by somebody calling three bets cold with a 6-9 off who flops a 7 or an 8 or a 10 and then hits the two outer straight. I comfort myself knowing that they aren't always going to make it..... :-)

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4)people come to the game then try to claim that someone else has to buy in for them because they owe them money. So true- one of my bigger pet peeves.Just about everything everyone has said rings true. I ran a game at school and had to deal with people paying a $10 buy-in with $20s all the time- nothing gets me more than rabbit-hunting, though. After the first semester of the game, I instituted a rabbit-hunting penalty- $1000 in chips if you wanted to rabbit hunt.I hate, HATE when someone complains about the game that isn't a regular. If you want to give constructive criticism, that's fine, but don't show up for one week and tell me how to run my tournament.This only happened once, but we caught a guy cheating- that's definitely the worst thing I've had to deal with.I also hate when you make a bonehead move and nobody ever forgets it. I've had some regrettable plays that I still hear about two years later.

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