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About NYNellie

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. Thanks for the feedback so far. I should have offered more details...Basically, when the flop came out, I bet and then got raised all in (I would be all in, but my opponent would not be). I made the call and we both flipped over our cards. He ended up turning the 5c on me for the straight.
  2. Okay, you have QQ and your opponent has Ah2h. The flop is 2c3h4h. Your opponent has a world of outs but you have the 'best hand' on the flop (although statistically, its probably 50/50). It would cost you your entire stack and the pot would be paying you even money.Do you make the call with QQ?
  3. That video was awesome...loved it.
  4. NYNellie

    Verizon Fios

    Actually, after browsing through some of the other topics in this part of the forum, I decided that I don't give a crap. If I want to post something I'm gonna post it.
  5. NYNellie

    Verizon Fios

    Ok, I got the picture and will stop doing it.For the record though...I did save stuff like this for the 'off-topic' section and I do see others posting much more off the wall things in this part of the forum.With that being said, I will stick to poker related topics.
  6. NYNellie

    Verizon Fios

    Regarding your 1st reply - ok, fine.Regarding your 2nd reply - I'm serious - Why did this get you and few others so mad? What is so wrong about asking about what other people think about the service?
  7. NYNellie

    Verizon Fios

    Ok, so honestly asking for opinions because I'm honestly interested in hearing what other people think is 'less acceptable' than reading about what people had to eat or seeing pictures of buckets?
  8. NYNellie

    Verizon Fios

    Whats your problem?
  9. NYNellie

    Verizon Fios

    Nope, I really am curious about other people think about it...
  10. Hello,Just wondering...You have to toast waffles...which way do you go?
  11. NYNellie

    Verizon Fios

    Hello all,I recently got that fios service that Verizon is offering. Its pretty good but I couldn't say it blew me away. I was just wondering if anyone had any opinions.
  12. Thanks MJINK3....Really, I don't have any specifics as far as what type of wood etc. I'm still in the super early stages of planning this project and I'm just trying to get an idea on what I would be up against.Thanks though-
  13. Thank you digitalmonkey
  14. I'm looking to put some hardwood floors down and decided to do some research at homedepot.com just to get pricing on the material. All of the pricing is based on 'per box' which to me does not give any indiciation as to how much square footage comes in 'a box'. How many square feet come in 'a box' of flooring?Thank you very much in advance for anyone that can help!
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