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What would you do in this situation huh?

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Guest XXEddie

So....let me get this str8....you folded the nuts, because you were afraid of getting out drawn by a 4-1 flush draw??? Here is some advice before that hand started you should of got up, left, and never played again

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Guest XXEddie
 I agree with your laydown since you were gambling at that point.  The way to win at poker is not get yourself in a large pot unless you have the "nuts".  You had them with 1 card to go.  I would have folded.
um.....he had the nuts. this statment is very contradictory. you say dont get involved in a big pot unless you have the uts...and they you say to fold?heres a similar question....you have A :D K :) ...board is 9 :D 4 :) 5 :) . he goes allin and before you call shows you 6 :D 7 :club:. Are you gonna fold this because you are afraid to get outdrawn...this was the stupidest fold ive ever seen
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Guest XXEddie
 I agree with your laydown since you were gambling at that point.  The way to win at poker is not get yourself in a large pot unless you have the "nuts".  You had them with 1 card to go.  I would have folded.
um.....he had the nuts. this statment is very contradictory. you say dont get involved in a big pot unless you have the uts...and they you say to fold?heres a similar question....you have A :D K :) ...board is 9 :D 4 :) 5 :) . he goes allin and before you call shows you 6 :D 7 :club:. Are you gonna fold this because you are afraid to get outdrawn...this was the stupidest fold ive ever seen
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I wanna do this to piss everyone off some more I guess, but it's a slight vote of support -- or maybe more of a 'vote of understanding'I would have folded under that situation. Yes, I may be a spineless whiney little queen of a man, but it's for this reason -- I AM FREAKIN' BROKE! I woulda been like "holy monkey feces, I'm up like $400. I could call this pot, and chances are split the blinds or win." And then I'd see the King and my mind would race about the fact that I could just walk away with the extra $400 I had made and forget about. That's exactly what I'd do (with a stop at the bar for a BullFrog). Is that stupid? Maybe, but because I am broke most of the time, I would be perfectly freakin' happy with it, and I'd probably hum a little tune. However... I wouldn't post it on here. You guys can get harsh.

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I wanna do this to censored everyone off some more I guess, but it's a slight vote of support -- or maybe more of a 'vote of understanding'I would have folded under that situation.  Yes, I may be a spineless whiney little queen of a man, but it's for this reason -- I AM FREAKIN' BROKE!  I woulda been like "holy monkey feces, I'm up like $400.  I could call this pot, and chances are split the blinds or win."  And then I'd see the King and my mind would race about the fact that I could just walk away with the extra $400 I had made and forget about.  That's exactly what I'd do (with a stop at the bar for a BullFrog).  Is that stupid?  Maybe, but because I am broke most of the time, I would be perfectly freakin' happy with it, and I'd probably hum a little tune.  However... I wouldn't post it on here.  You guys can get harsh.
Wouldn't you rather leave with $1,000?
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Well it depends how you felt. If you didnt want to gamble and make sure you had a profit at the end of the night then you made the right choice. But like someone said your chances of winning and losing the pot were even for both of you he was willing to gamble and you werent. So either way you made the right choice cause you ended up walking away with money.
NO!!!You people make me sick...
LOL...At least you don't beat around the bush on your feelings. :D
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This is a case of expected value (EV) vs. other factors. Everyone is in agreement that on a purely mathematical basis, folding here has a negative EV. But there can be other factors to consider in this or other similar situations. For just one example, let's start with a few assumptions. Let's say that the original poster was by far the best player sitting in that game, he finds himself in this exact situation he described, and calling the other player's all in bet means he will put his entire bankroll at risk. By calling, his EV for the play, if my calculations are correct, is a little over $53. But it also includes a 20% chance that he will go broke. If he is a much better player than the others at the table, putting all his money in here may not be the best decision, if he figures to be able to use his skill advantage over time with a much smaller risk of going broke.Chip Reese, arguably one of the greatest players of all time, describes a similar situation in the first Super System book. He's playing seven card stud against a drunk. They're the only two left in the pot. After fourth street, Chip has two aces and he correctly puts the drunk on four diamonds. (In this matchup, Reese is about an 11-10 favorite.)They ended up reraising each other 36 times, until Chip had all of his money in the pot. And the durnk made his flush. Reese goes on to say:"I was broke. The drunk, naturally, went broke, too, but that didn't help much as I sitting on the sidelines...If my opponent had been about equal (in ability) to me, then my play would have been completely justifiable. But I foolishly risked by bankroll against a drunk when I was only an 11-10 favorite, rather than waiting for one of the many occasions that would arise when I would be a 4 to 1 or 5 to 1 favorite against him. I learned then and there that the mathematically correct play is not always the best play."Another thing to consider is the amount of money both players had left in their stacks. The more money the original poster has to call, the smaller his negative EV is on a percentage basis, though the EV will stay the same in fixed dollars. In other words, let's say each player had ten grand in front of him when his opponent pushed all-in. Now the positive EV, on a percentage basis, is less than 1%. Still sure you'd risk ten grand when your positive expectation is only $53?Imo, the biggest mistake the poster made was not trying to negotiate a deal with the other player, if the cardroom rules permitted it. In some high limit games, it's not uncommon for two pros in an essentially even money decision to either just split the pot, or to "run them twice" - dealing out the remaining cards twice and giving out half of the pot on each result. That way, neither player would have had to risk the extra $500. In any event, if you believe that there could never be any justification for making a play at less than maximum EV, you're not seeing the big picture.

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MiSTER HAND great point and yes i'm a college student so I didn't want to risk my money knowing there was a chance that he could of made his flush. Anyways I gotten a lot of feedbacks and I enjoy reading everyone's post except those who are harsh and think that they are the best players to talk down to me. I'm trying to better my game and yes I did make a stupid mistake but who hasn't in this forum. I believe this forum is to teach eachother on the game of Hold'Em and not to be used to down grade other people.

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This is pretty much the world fold ever. You folded the nuts. Why the **** would you fold the nuts? I don't care if he shows you both cards and they are indeed both diamonds...who cares? You will never be a winning poker play if you make these plays. There are only 9 cards you dont want to see on the river.Here is what happens if i am you on the turn, assusming i bet the $25 and he moves all-in. As soon as he says all-in for moves his chips into the middle, i say call and immediately put my chips in. You have no idea if he really has diamonds and even if he does its ****ing stupid to fold, and if he doesnt have 2 diamonds he is drawing dead(assuming he has just a K and not 2 pair or set).Good luck re-evaluating your poker play, because you really need to.

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The only game where it ever makes any sense to fold the nuts is Omaha because of the number of redraws an opponent can have. The only time you should even consider making a scared fold like this in hold 'em would be in a situation such as if you had J :D J :D , the flop was J :) 8 :D 2 :) and your opponent moved all in and showed you 9 :) 10 :club: . I don't recommend this, but if you're playing way above your head... The bottom line is you can't play poker scared.I didn't read all the posts, but the ones I saw just concentrated on your (I'll be kind and say) questionable fold. I was kind of wondering why you only bet 25 on the turn after betting 60 on the flop. You should have bet about 100 instead of signalling you're scared. You're only going to get action from a straight anyway, so you should be the aggressor because of your redraw.

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