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who is the tightest player in pro poker?

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I've read where several players have called both Freddy Deeb and Phil Helmuth fairly tight. Of course they aren't all the time, but for the most part they are conservative.

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LVKING: i didnt say the topic was worthless, i said the discussion as is was useless. big difference. the topic itself is not useful, but has worth as its interesting. but while the topic may be interesting, the discussion here is not useful as the opinions being thrown out there are largely if not solely based on the representations of these players put forth by the editing crew of WPT and other tv shows who are doing said editing with the purpose of achieving certain images for particular players. they manipulate these images through selecting hands to show, and the biased commentary. surely you will not argue these two facts. its quite smart, really, as it has become a big soap opera, complete with heroes (danny boy, raymer, ferguson) and villains (hellmuth, arieh) who players can root for or against, giving them a reason to tune in week after week. and no, i have not played with dan harrington, my opinions of his playing style and profitability are based however on reliable accounts by respected players who play with him consistently and these accounts have been published in unbiased interviews and in the players own blogs/websites/other communiques. You will notice i cannot, and therefore did not comment on any of the other players mentioned in this discussion as i have no real knowledge of their style beyond what i see on tv which is likely to be skewed heavily.

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Harrington, without a doubt.  Remember, they only show the big action hands on ESPN et al...He is almost definitely tighter than any of the big-name pros today.  I'm waiting patiently for his book...
his book is already out... and it is pretty good.In reading it you will realize that he is not as tight as he seems. He likes ppl to think he is tight though.
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Guest XXEddie
lederer is NOT a tight player, anything but that.
Lederer is not "anything but tight" he is a tight player, but not the tightest...you need to learn more about bub.
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Guest XXEddie
Phil Hellmuth folded an AQoff in the tournament of champions. That's pretty tight if you ask me.
There is a difference between making a tight fold, and a correct fold. He correctly folded the AQ.
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With a raise and a reraise, AQ off is an easy drop unless you are low stacked, and even then is not the best play. The reason is if there is a raise and reraise, I would put one on a high pocket pair, and the other on AK, AQ, or both on a pocket pair. I am sure that is what the case was in this hand, a big raise, and then an all in in front of him or 2 all ins. Ya, A Q is strong, but against 2 opponents it isnt as good as play because there is so many more things that can come up to beat you. Why not wait until your the aggressor with this hand and you are the one being called when you might be ahead, instead of calling when you are probably behind or have a coin flip. Just my opinion.

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Guest XXEddie
is that to say that lederer made an incorrect play by pushing his AJ that same hand?
Let see...not only was he beat....but one of his aces was gone....technically...It WAS the wrong play but its not excatly a bad play
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I don't think it was wrong... I might be remembering it wrong though, but didn't he have Chan out chipped. Chan moved in, Phil folded, Howard called?So he was taking a coin flip to potentially knock Chan out. Thats not wrong per se, he just didn't happen to win the coin flip.

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First off, there wasn't a raise and a re-raise in front of phil hellmuth. It was just johny chan's raise. He mucked AQo to a single raise. Eddie, sure he was beat, but 44 has AK beat, but you'd call a big bet with that. I'de raise, like Lederer did.

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i'm very young... they have cash games in casinos?how is play different as opposed to tourney? how does the casino make money? if i go to vegas with 100K and sit at a high stakes table, am i likely to play chan or hansen or TX dolly, or the like?

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Guest XXEddie
First off, there wasn't a raise and a re-raise in front of phil hellmuth. It was just johny chan's raise. He mucked AQo to a single raise.  Eddie, sure he was beat, but 44 has AK beat, but you'd call a big bet with that. I'de raise, like Lederer did.
Im not saying it was a stupid call...Im saying it was the wrong call statistically, and hellmuths fold was the cprrect one. Im not saying I wouldnt of done it..Im just saying your an underdog
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Harrington, without a doubt. Remember, they only show the big action hands on ESPN et al...He is almost definitely tighter than any of the big-name pros today. I'm waiting patiently for his book...
Your wait is over... I saw his book in Borders last week... it is published by 2 plus 2. 29.95... skimmed it... seems like it is just another book... but who knows.
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Wouldn't you like to know--Isn't Kitchener home of the greatest ball striker in the history of golf, the late and great Mo Norman? One of the best books ever is The Feeling of Greatness...

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B) its a tournament. all these guys couldnt give two censored about these tourneys. Harrington, Hellmuth, Sexton, Cloutier, Tomko, theyre all playing high stakes cash games which make the tourney buyins seem worthless. 10 grand is nothing. At the Bellagio mixed game that daniel plays in amongst others, bets are often capped at 10x this amount. btw for what its worth, Dan Harrington IS a supertight cash game player, and DOES make a comfortable living playing this way.
Phil doesnt really play high stakes at all and T.J. has admitted himself he isnt a good cash game player
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