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I'm reading some stuff over at recpoker.com about "cheaters" in major tournaments and some pretty household names are coming up. Can someone fill me in as to what's going on with that?Thanks, and sorry if this is posted elsewhere... :?

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There are allways allegations of chip dumping and soft play in tournaments.Chip dumping would be consoldating stacks among more than one player with one to give him a better chance to win or place high and then splitting the payout.Softplay would be me and you agreeing not to play too agressively into each other if we were in a hand.Etc.Has it ever happened? I'm sure it has. Do the people on recpoker have any idea what they're talking about? Ussually not.In any game where players regularly sell "peices" of themselves to one another you're going to see these kinds of allegations.

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You have to be very nieve to think this does not occur on some level. I have witnessed some extremely suspect play over the years, but it is nearly impossible to prove anything. Although it does stack the odds against the average player, there is nothing that can be done about it. It is even worse in live play. At one point there was a team of young guys that tried to run over the 10-20 and 20-40 games. The only solution was to get the word out to everyone, including the floorperson. Once 2 or 3 of them paired up at a table we would all get up and break up the game. It was kind of a hassle, but it did work. Also, the floor worked with us to spread these players out about the games.

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Thanks, Smash and King, for the info...if you're interested, go to recpoker and just look for old posts featuring Daniel's name in them. It sounded pretty insidious (this guy talks about an assassination attempt :shock: although, as you said, Smash, these things have to be taken with a grain of salt.)The guy that posted it also shows an email he claims Dan sent him concerning Jennifer Harmon. Crazy stuff.

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cheating is going to happen in poker, anytime money is involved, you'll find players looking for shortcuts. Your very naive if you feel the casino staff will take care of it or whatever, you need to protect yourself from cheaters and look out for it. Usually, you won't find the cheats at the lower limits as it's not worthwhile, but the middle limits is usually where the cheaters attempt to do their business. I don't want to post the link, but there was 1 site out there I remember that a high stakes poker cheat had his own website where he talks about cheating and how he did it. You need to be aware of cheating as it does happen and if you aren't aware of it, you could be losing a whole lot of money you shouldn't be.

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I think that there needs to be a serious distiction between outright cheating and collusion. I have a feeling that collusion is a bit more common

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The worst kind of cheating acures out side of casinos, when your in casinos you get collusion, and when your out of casinos you get mechanics people who can minipulate cards, that encludes dealing from the bottem of the deck, the card peek techneck and the second card deal, i find mechanics are the worst kind of cheats out there.

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The worst kind of cheating acures out side of casinos, when your in casinos you get collision, and when your out of casinos you get mechanics people who can minipulate cards, that encludes dealing from the bottem of the deck, the card peek techneck and the second card deal, i find mechanics are the worst kind of cheats out there.
You just watched rounders didn't you? I must say though... good point about the collision...I bet the department of transportation would also agree that most collisions happen outside of the casino's.(Sorry, I feel a little like smasharoo now, but what can ya do?)
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suited_up, we have enough sarcasm floating around this poker forum, you know what nutflushmike meant so quit writeing this junk, and another thing i agree with nutflushmike about mechanics being the worst kind of cheats, don't confuse what you saw in rounders with this guys post.

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so do ppl go around reading posts just to reply with smarts ass remarks that have nothing do with with the original post in the first place??pretty boring stuff guys, get a hobby...like actually playing poker

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suited_up, we have enough sarcasm floating around this poker forum, you know what nutflushmike meant so quit writeing this junkReally, I don't think there is engough sarcasmThere's definately enough overly sensative wannabe 7th grade teachers self righetously crying like little bitches about sarcasm though.So quit writing this junk.

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You can go look at my posts and tell me how often I make sarcastic comments to people... not so often. But if you want to post, have some sort of grasp of the language, cause we all have to read it. Aside from that, where is the facts to say mechanics are the worst cheats... that makes no sense, how many times have you come across people doing that? My guess is never. This is why I made the rounders comment. He sounds like a 15 year old who just watched the movie and wants to come on here and try to make some kind of point. Sorry if that's rude. Just the way it looked to me. Sorry, but his typing techneck isn't the best.P.S. The sites aren't rigged, and it looks like people are chip dumping because they seriously suck! Don't look for excuses for losing.

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What the OP was referring to are the allegations made a few years ago by one Russ Georgiev, aka GCA, aka NewGCA. Essentially, Russ is a former high stakes player who claims to have cheated the biggest games in the 70s and 80s, and claims to have done it with the help of some of the biggest names in poker, who he claims are still cheating today. there is much debate as to whether Russ's allegations are true. Basically the only thing that has been proven after all this time is that Russ did in fact play these games, which had been very much doubted before several big names admitted that Russ had played at the top of the game for a long time. google some GCA and Russ Georgiev posts if you want...

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The worst kind of cheating acures out side of casinos, when your in casinos you get collusion, and when your out of casinos you get mechanics people who can minipulate cards, that encludes dealing from the bottem of the deck, the card peek techneck and the second card deal, i find mechanics are the worst kind of cheats out there.
Without being sarcastic :wink: people who can minipulate cards - is that ensuring that your opponents get all the small cards :D
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"I don't want to post the link, but there was 1 site out there I remember that a high stakes poker cheat had his own website where he talks about cheating and how he did it"I would like to see the link in order to be able to recognize the moves. The cheaters will always have the moves, but the more informed the rest of us are on how this stuff occurs, the better we can defend ourselves.

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www.pokermafia.combut its not gonna give you what your looking for. mostly it talks about collusion, but you'd get better information to google some RGP posts by Russ. Also, you must remember that he was mostly cheating non-community games such as lowball, and 7 stud hi-lo, where pat/nut hands were much easier to identify. As well, 30 years ago players were dealing to themselves even in card rooms, and when they werent the security measures in place were much more easily manipulated. even if you could get a dealer, floorman and supe on the take in a room today, it would be almost impossible to get a colddeck in the game anyways as most clubs require the dealers to spread the decks for the cameras and then wash em before they enter play.Russ's site, though, has some excellent advice, particularily on limit SNG strategy and Omaha 8.

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