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Thinking i could have raised more pre, but is shove on turn ok? He only had $1.34 left on turn and pot was $1.57feral_cow_icon.gifConverting hands till the cows come homePokerStars No-Limit Hold'em $0.02/$0.05 - 6 playersUTG: $5.00 UTG+1: $2.19 CO: $7.02 Button: $7.72 (Hero)SB: $15.74 BB: $3.10 Preflop: ($0.07) Hero is Button with Ac.gifAd.gif (6 players)UTG folds, UTG+1 calls $0.05, CO folds, Hero raises to $0.15, SB folds, BB calls $0.10, UTG+1 calls $0.10Flop: ($0.47) 4c.gif9d.gifTd.gif (3 players)BB checks, UTG+1 bets $0.10, Hero raises to $0.55, BB folds, UTG+1 calls $0.45Turn: ($1.57) Kc.gif (2 players)UTG+1 bets $0.15, Hero raises to $3.15, UTG+1 foldsHero collected $1.78(Rake: $0.09)

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Alot of times at small stakes, if you shove they will just fold, not paying attention to their stacks. If he is short stacked, I would just bet about 3/4 or so what he has left. If he shoves then call. I have found you scare dumb Vs away with the big plays but you can extract more by keeping your bet size in-line. Here I would have raised to like $.75 to a $1 or so. Only thing he could have here would be QJ or 10 9 that would beat you. He could be on a draw, but if you plan on stacking him anyway at this point because he is so shallow, $.75 - $1 would entice him to go for his draw, and you could get a little more value if he misses, but at this point he is so shallow I think you were planning on stacking him anyway no matter what happened. With the .15 bet though, that was really bad. He either had you beat at this point hoping for you to shove (WAY to low for a V-bet here), wanted to draw cheap (probable hand here IMO. high card diamonds), or was not going to continue anymore. PF was o.k. to me 3x-4x BB standard. Just my .02.

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pot turn, fold river shoves if flush or st8 hits, maybe stack off it is a naked backdoor st8 that hit, call a blank river shoves. not that scary at all. seriously

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yea, i assumed he had a big draw, wasnt til later i found out he was capable of playing J4o etc, wish id gone a bit slower now haha

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Thinking i could have raised more pre, but is shove on turn ok? He only had $1.34 left on turn and pot was $1.57feral_cow_icon.gifConverting hands till the cows come homePokerStars No-Limit Hold'em $0.02/$0.05 - 6 playersUTG: $5.00 UTG+1: $2.19 CO: $7.02 Button: $7.72 (Hero)SB: $15.74 BB: $3.10 Preflop: ($0.07) Hero is Button with Ac.gifAd.gif (6 players)UTG folds, UTG+1 calls $0.05, CO folds, Hero raises to $0.15, SB folds, BB calls $0.10, UTG+1 calls $0.10Flop: ($0.47) 4c.gif9d.gifTd.gif (3 players)BB checks, UTG+1 bets $0.10, Hero raises to $0.55, BB folds, UTG+1 calls $0.45Turn: ($1.57) Kc.gif (2 players)UTG+1 bets $0.15, Hero raises to $3.15, UTG+1 foldsHero collected $1.78(Rake: $0.09)
This is not a dangerous board and this play is ridiculous and pancky -- it only gets us called by hands that crush us and folds everything that would pay us off.
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There are worse boards I assure you.Played fine up until the turn... turn there is zero reason to overbet the pot, just pot it.
Villain only has $1.30 left after his donk-lead. Any raise is a shove. Standard hand
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This is not a dangerous board and this play is ridiculous and pancky -- it only gets us called by hands that crush us and folds everything that would pay us off.
What do you suggest? Flat call turn?With villian only having 1PSB left on the turn I really don't want him to see a river for practically nothing.
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What do you suggest? Flat call turn?With villian only having 1PSB left on the turn I really don't want him to see a river for practically nothing.
I think everyone just looked at the overbet size tbh
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What do you suggest? Flat call turn?With villian only having 1PSB left on the turn I really don't want him to see a river for practically nothing.
Exactly my thoughts!
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