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Vtlaxer Vs Me Weekly Tlb Prop Bet

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I gave AG 1.5 to 1 on this weeks weekly Stars TLB... if anyone wants to book action ill book it at the same rate i gave him.. 1.5 to 1 just lemme know and if I dont know you send the money to WhatArunAA(beavercreek) and ill ship it back + my portion next Sunday. I'm doing this for motivation because I lack the drive to play as often as I should.

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I gave AG 1.5 to 1 on this weeks weekly Stars TLB... if anyone wants to book action ill book it at the same rate i gave him.. 1.5 to 1 just lemme know and if I dont know you send the money to WhatArunAA(beavercreek) and ill ship it back + my portion next Sunday. I'm doing this for motivation because I lack the drive to play as often as I should.
Actually.. if anyone wants to book the action then send to me what you wanna bet and ill confirm in this thread.. Dont want the cluster**** of trying to hunt down money if I win and if I lose not knowing if someone woulda paid up.
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I assume that score just now didn't count since the tourney started ont he 25th. Gl to ya both!
Yea, i t goes by when the tourney starts.. so starting now until Saturday at 11:59 Stars time.
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Not taking sides but go TJ lol :club:

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sounds like a side.
it will be an interesting race for sure. I think VT will give him a very good run for the money. it's going to be a close call to the wire. If I were betting my money it would be on TJ but at even odd's and I don't feel comfortable with that I tell you , it's going to be close and interesting, cause Vt will play everything just to beat him.
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brutal today today.. 1 left.. might take tommorrow off and hit it hard Tues.
taking tomorrow off will give VT an advantage lol, I would be careful of that. He will take every opportunity to stick it to you up the ass, and he will do it. Don't say I didn't warn you :club:
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taking tomorrow off will give VT an advantage lol, I would be careful of that. He will take every opportunity to stick it to you up the ass, and he will do it. Don't say I didn't warn you :club:
uhh Rose.. this is a family place
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