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Buying A House, Maybe

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funny how you open minded liberals see racism all the time.I wonder why..............
it's because we're forced to interact with republicans on internet forums. duh. :)this whole process is actually pretty exciting, although it's making me feel like a grownup a couple years before i planned to. grownups can still get high, right? and no, bg, i don't mean on cigars.the most likely destination at this stage is probably somewhere in north carolina, since we're quite likely to be able to get 5-10 acres and a 2k sq ft house for under 100k in most non-urban areas down there. also, if we get poor all of a sudden, we can get to my parents' place easily and live in their newly-remodeled basement :club:. also, if we're near charlotte, we can fly a lot of places without a layover, which would be nice.
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also, if we get poor all of a sudden, we can get to my parents' place easily and live in their newly-remodeled basement :club:.
So why wouldn't you then pick a destination and rent for a little while to make sure it is a place you want to stay before committing and buying there? If you get poor.. yes you can live in your parent basement, but it is not going to be easy for you to just sell off the house..
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So why wouldn't you then pick a destination and rent for a little while to make sure it is a place you want to stay before committing and buying there? If you get poor.. yes you can live in your parent basement, but it is not going to be easy for you to just sell off the house..
Good points.Also, there is a pretty good chance that house values at best will remain flat over the next couple years and there are costs involved in buying and selling houses that aren't invlolved in renting.If a house isn't going to go up in value then renting is probably better than buying assuming that rents will also be low in an area where house prices are also low. I guess you would have to factor in the mortgage interest tax deduction that descriminates against renters in the US.
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So why wouldn't you then pick a destination and rent for a little while to make sure it is a place you want to stay before committing and buying there? If you get poor.. yes you can live in your parent basement, but it is not going to be easy for you to just sell off the house..
i was joking--i wouldn't even consider buying a house if that was even remotely close to possible :club:
Good points.Also, there is a pretty good chance that house values at best will remain flat over the next couple years and there are costs involved in buying and selling houses that aren't invlolved in renting.If a house isn't going to go up in value then renting is probably better than buying assuming that rents will also be low in an area where house prices are also low. I guess you would have to factor in the mortgage interest tax deduction that descriminates against renters in the US.
between the mortgage interest tax deduction, the 8k homebuyer tax credit, and our likelihood of getting an FHA loan considering that we're first timers, the buying thing is pretty significantly better than renting unless we want to live in a shithole. the thing is that we need at least 3brs, and generally, the difference between renting 2 and 3 brs is pretty significant, since you get the extra bath, etc, almost all the time.the primary difference in cost would arise with heating/cooling, but that's less of an issue in the non-deep south than anywhere else, really.
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we're actually getting to the point where we're pretty sure that buying is the way to go, and just trying to find a place that's a good fit for both of us both socially where we can get what we want for around 100k. thanks again for all the help, e1!
So why wouldn't you then pick a destination and rent for a little while to make sure it is a place you want to stay before committing and buying there? If you get poor.. yes you can live in your parent basement, but it is not going to be easy for you to just sell off the house..
This. I'd worry for any friend looking to move to a completely new area of the country just because it's where he and his ladyfriend can get a niceĀ® house.
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This. I'd worry for any friend looking to move to a completely new area of the country just because it's where he and his ladyfriend can get a niceĀ® house.
luckily no one likes checky so this doesn't apply
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well, it's worth reiterating that the primary reason for doing this is actually financial, believe it or not--it's just that we can buy SO CHEAP nowadays that it's actually going to be comparable or cheaper than renting where we do now, and i'd get an outlet for my growing desire to actually work on something with my hands again that's not a mouse or a deck of cards. our plans are to live somewhat meager lives for the next 2 years until we get out of debt, then travel lots and lots before we officially grow up, and only then find a more permanent place to live. location isn't really a concern for us so much as cost, really, is what i mean, though obviously we'd rather move somewhere nice and fun than not.we're probably just going to make a list of the places hiring social studies high school teachers for next year and throw darts at it to see what sticks, lol.
Can you fix the damage to our wall/insulation from an ice dam? What's your going rate.....ah the joys of owning a home :PYoda live in NC....he can tell you about the area.
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Can you fix the damage to our wall/insulation from an ice dam? What's your going rate.....ah the joys of owning a home :PYoda live in NC....he can tell you about the area.
i probably could, actually, unless there's damage to the frame :)i owe pretty much all my ability to fix shit to my parents--they've pretty much been remodeling nonstop since i've been conceived, lol. i've picked up how to do most carpentry-related shit, but i was in college when they were doing the bathrooms, so i missed plumbing and most of the electrical lessons. :club:
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