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F C P Golf Outing Cancelled ... Unless Someone Can Step In?

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Thanks a ton to all for the thoughts and well wishes. The news has been amazingly/miraculously good lately, but the diagnosis has not changed. I could write a book about it but I won't. She has had brain surgery, is stabilized, and has been talked into having chemo after all, but things remain dire and could change at any moment as we move forward through this.I hope you guys can still play that weekend, if not for an official type outing then perhaps in a smaller group(s)? I am clinging to very small hopes that I somehow would still be able to make it up there for that weekend, but there are just too many unknowns to commit to anything. Anyway, thanks again everyone.Scott

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Thanks a ton to all for the thoughts and well wishes. The news has been amazingly/miraculously good lately, but the diagnosis has not changed. I could write a book about it but I won't. She has had brain surgery, is stabilized, and has been talked into having chemo after all, but things remain dire and could change at any moment as we move forward through this.I hope you guys can still play that weekend, if not for an official type outing then perhaps in a smaller group(s)? I am clinging to very small hopes that I somehow would still be able to make it up there for that weekend, but there are just too many unknowns to commit to anything. Anyway, thanks again everyone.Scott
Glad to hear Scott !
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So sorry to hear that, Scott... All the best to you and your family... your positive outlook can only be a blessing to everyone.... hang tough, and stay strong. And for you FCP golfers.... I'm not in this tournament, but if I can make a suggestion: rake some money from everyone and make a donation to cancer research on behalf of Scott and his family. I will gladly chip in....

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And for you FCP golfers.... I'm not in this tournament, but if I can make a suggestion: rake some money from everyone and make a donation to cancer research on behalf of Scott and his family. I will gladly chip in....
this is an excellent idea if this still happensscott, i hope you guys are doing ok, considering.
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(<--- hasn't been on the forum in a week)Scott,Sorry to hear the news. Your stepmother and family are in my prayers.

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