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Full Tilt Poker Sit N Go Madness Prizes

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Congrats!Apparently I won a T-Shirt. whoopee.

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I know how bout that. I looked in my account and i had 285,000 more ftp points than i had yesterday. I guess they just give you the points and you can do whatever you want with them? guess it makes up for going 11 24 turbos in a row without cashing.

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bought the tv instead 280,000 points
Damn - would of used the points to get the $26 tokens, 1800 points gets you in a 9 man SNG with the top 3 getting a $26 token, with 280,000 points you could have played in 155 of these. Lets say you finish top 3 every 3rd tourney, then you would have had 55 of these tokens worth a total of $1430 that you could have turned into some good money. If you run better then 1 out of 3 you do the math, by the way those are pretty easy to finish top 3 in.Anyway congrats on the TV, nice to win something every now and then. Sweet 37" TV though, enjoy.
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haha suited up, I thought about that today, checked my rakeback account -385 dollars, good thing ijust withdrew 200 of it into my account yesterday. It is a nice scam. 1400 dollars worth of rake they charged.

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