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The Rules- Every rotation one person MUST shove, and one person MUST call. - You cannot overcall, even if you find yourself holding AA after one person has called.- If it is shoved and folded to you in the BB with no other callers, you MUST call. - If it's folded to you in the SB without a shover - SB MUST shove, BB MUST call.- If a short stack is forced all in, one person may isolate with a shove - you cannot overcall even if short stacked and in the blinds yourself.- If two short stacks are forced all in, nobody else may participate in the hand.Made 5 more.11:30pm EST. $5.50 NLHE- ID #12256133711:40pm EST. $5.50 NLO- ID #12256143911:50pm EST. $5.50 NLHE- ID #12256148612:00am EST. $5.50 NLO8- ID #12256157312:10am EST. $11 NLHE MAIN EVENT!!!111 ID #122561676pw again is 'lolskips' for all

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which site would this be on? ive been hearing about these forever and wanted to see one

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maybe make it a dollar for the poor bastards...just sayin

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maybe make it a dollar for the poor bastards...just sayin
Min you can make a private tourney is $5.50 buyin, sorry.Ill make some more in a sec. Some NLHE, NLO and NLO8
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Made 5 more.11:30pm EST. $5.50 NLHE- ID #12256133711:40pm EST. $5.50 NLO- ID #12256143911:50pm EST. $5.50 NLHE- ID #12256148612:00am EST. $5.50 NLO8- ID #12256157312:10am EST. $11 NLHE MAIN EVENT!!!111 ID #122561676pw again is lolskips for all

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