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Tough Turn Decision (2nd Try)

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Full Tilt PokerNo Limit Holdem Ring gameBlinds: $0.10/$0.259 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $19.40UTG+1: $33.90MP1: $8.90MP2: $5.55MP3: $39.85CO: $8.45Hero: $25.60SB: $19.20BB: $25Pre-flop: (9 players) Hero is Button with 9♥ Q♣3 folds, MP2 calls, MP3, folds, CO (poster) checks, Hero calls, SB calls, BB (poster) checks.Flop: A♣ J♣ 9♣ ($1.25, 5 players)SB checks, BB bets $1.5, MP2 calls, CO folds, Hero calls, SB folds.Turn: 9♠ ($5.75, 3 players)BB bets $3.5, MP2 calls, Hero ?????

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I call here and wait to hit another Q of spades or perhaps another 9 of spades on the river... that way, you will be certain your opponent will be completely confused when you shove on the river... But then again, he could be holding those two aces of spades in his hand, you can never be too careful with spades :club::ts

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Is the turn a 2nd 9 of spades?Jesus Christ. Used a better converter.Fold preflop..
folding preflop feels a bit nitty. I'm more interested in your take on my turn play.
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Turn is a club. look closer
No, use a better converter. I'm not straining my eyes. There are a lot of good ones and the one you're using blows. You could even use the suit icons in the smileys for the forum.
folding preflop feels a bit nitty. I'm more interested in your take on my turn play.
Folding Q9o is nitty? Since when? At least raise it OTB, limping is stupid.
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Full Tilt PokerNo Limit Holdem Ring gameBlinds: $0.10/$0.259 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $19.40UTG+1: $33.90MP1: $8.90MP2: $5.55MP3: $39.85CO: $8.45Hero: $25.60SB: $19.20BB: $25Pre-flop: (9 players) Hero is Button with 9 :ts Q :club:3 folds, MP2 calls, MP3, folds, CO (poster) checks, Hero calls, SB calls, BB (poster) checks.Flop: A :D J :D 9 :4h ($1.25, 5 players)SB checks, BB bets $1.5, MP2 calls, CO folds, Hero calls, SB folds.Turn: 9 :club: ($5.75, 3 players)BB bets $3.5, MP2 calls, Hero ?????

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No, use a better converter. I'm not straining my eyes. There are a lot of good ones and the one you're using blows. You could even use the suit icons in the smileys for the forum.Folding Q9o is nitty? Since when? At least raise it OTB, limping is stupid.
you're right. I like raising pf a lot better.Any suggestions on a better converter. I'm pulling my histories from PT and have trouble getting a lot of the converters to work properly. (could be operator error).
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you're right. I like raising pf a lot better.Any suggestions on a better converter. I'm pulling my histories from PT and have trouble getting a lot of the converters to work properly. (could be operator error).
LOOOOL I know what the problem is.You're copying the "sample" output and not the actual output that it tells you to copy.It says "Copy the text in the box below and paste it into wherever you want to display it."You're ignoring that and copying the stuff below where it says "Here is (roughly) how the output will look. If the converter has not converted your hand properly, or you have suggestions or comments to help improve the hand converter, please leave a comment below."
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You're copying the "sample" output and not the actual output that it tells you to copy.It says "Copy the text in the box below and paste it into wherever you want to display it."You're ignoring that and copying the stuff below where it says "Here is (roughly) how the output will look. If the converter has not converted your hand properly, or you have suggestions or comments to help improve the hand converter, please leave a comment below."
:club::ts That's almost as dumb as limping Q9o on the button.Just kidding (well I'm not, but it's all in jest :D).Seriously, initiative's a good thing to have in a hand, and the button's screaming for you to take it.
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Fold preflop 100% of the time when there are limpers already in the hand. It's not nitty. It's just the smart thing to do. It's never right to limp in behind the others with this, and it's not really the kind of hand you want to try and steal over the blinds and two limpers with. If the first limper hadn't come in, and it was just an early poster in the CO who checked thru - then you have an argument for making a raise to 5xBB to try and steal it all. But that isn't what happened here.as played, call the flop, call the turn. Probably get as many chips as possible in on the river.

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