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Guessing On A Multiple Choice Exam...

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I've heard that on these types of exams you should not guess unless you can eliminate some choices. But it seems to me that even a guess among four choices is +ev..1/4 of the time you get it right and earn one point: 0.25 X 1 = +0.253/4 of the time you get it wrong and lose 1/4 point: 0.75 X -0.25 = -0.1875add ev = 0.25 + -0.1875 = +0.0625Compare this to your EV from leaving the question blank which is zero, and it looks to be like guessing is OK - of course the EV only increases if you CAN eliminate choices. The other option is that I'm a dumbass and doing this all wrong. Which is it?

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perhaps there are 5 answer choices on this exam?
Perhaps you can eliminate one choice?But even with 5 choices its a break-even bet.To look at it another way, if you randomly fill in 100 5 choice questions, are expected to get 20 correct for 20 points. The other 80 you lose 1/4 point each for -20. Overall, zero - the same as not answering any. It seems to me you should always guess, because at worst its break even with five choices if you are making a totally random choice. However, usually you can eliminate one or more choices, or at least get a "feeling" about one choice that is better than the others, pushing the odds into your favor. BTW the test I am speaking of is the high school AP exam (I'm a teacher) and several guides to the exam I've come across advise against guessing, or say only to guess if you can reduce the choices to 50/50. So I wonder if I'm missing something, but it doesn't look like it to me.
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Perhaps you can eliminate one choice?But even with 5 choices its a break-even bet.
ok, I was making a guess as to why they used a 1/4 penalty.The rationale for not guessing then, would be that you could spend more time on ones you know.Obviously f you can reduce your choices, guessing is +EValso, perhaps ansers are written by experts who know what to put that leads people to guess incorrectly.Id have a pre planned guessing algorithm. Something that utilizes the fibonocci series works well.
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