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PokerStars Game #19338416341: Tournament #98287063, $50+$5 Hold'em No Limit - Level XX (3500/7000) - 2008/08/03 - 20:29:52 (ET)Table '98287063 71' 9-max Seat #5 is the buttonSeat 1: netix (154332 in chips) Seat 2: secr23 (142016 in chips) Seat 3: xthesteinx (270863 in chips) Seat 4: mman_status (272694 in chips) Seat 5: z_balata (185219 in chips) Seat 7: BOKPOWER (143822 in chips) Seat 8: moneyinbag (149118 in chips) Seat 9: Horst Heftig (108564 in chips) netix: posts the ante 700secr23: posts the ante 700xthesteinx: posts the ante 700mman_status: posts the ante 700z_balata: posts the ante 700BOKPOWER: posts the ante 700moneyinbag: posts the ante 700Horst Heftig: posts the ante 700BOKPOWER: posts small blind 3500moneyinbag: posts big blind 7000*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to moneyinbag [Ks Tc]Horst Heftig: folds netix: folds secr23: folds xthesteinx: folds mman_status: raises 10555 to 17555z_balata: calls 17555BOKPOWER: folds moneyinbag: raises 130863 to 148418 and is all-inmman_status: folds z_balata: calls 130863*** FLOP *** [9s 3s 6d]*** TURN *** [9s 3s 6d] [6s]moneyinbag said, "nh, gl stein"*** RIVER *** [9s 3s 6d 6s] [5c]*** SHOW DOWN ***moneyinbag: shows [Ks Tc] (a pair of Sixes)z_balata: shows [9d 9h] (a full house, Nines full of Sixes)i think i played that pretty bad :club:

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soooo standard, AQ<A10 in the UB 200k for a 13k pot aipf 10 on flop. I ss ninja for two rounds then reshove from SB with AQ and run into AK, obv no suckout.Last tourney I'm still in now is the Mulligan. I want to win or for it to be over soon so I can finally get some closure on this stage of my poker career.RIP online tourneys. I quit you up all time, so smd, gfy, you're not getting any more of my hard earned cash game dollars.As a sign I've moved on from you, I will sign my name at the end of this post like Mark does. - Josh

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I just want to say that I hate everything and everyone right now.Full Tilt Poker Game #7501805346: $33,000 Guarantee (1r+1a) (56289184), Table 44 - 120/240 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:55:42 ET - 2008/08/03Seat 1: CrazyZachary (18,482)Seat 2: BKqzbxt (16,785)Seat 3: Bry23 (14,675)Seat 4: OUEmoKid (12,910)Seat 5: dignan550 (9,490)Seat 6: JustLuck1337 (4,305)CrazyZachary antes 25BKqzbxt antes 25Bry23 antes 25OUEmoKid antes 25dignan550 antes 25JustLuck1337 antes 25CrazyZachary posts the small blind of 120BKqzbxt posts the big blind of 240The button is in seat #6*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to BKqzbxt [Ks Kc]Bry23 has 15 seconds left to actBry23 raises to 720OUEmoKid foldsdignan550 has 15 seconds left to actdignan550 calls 720JustLuck1337 raises to 4,280, and is all inCrazyZachary has 15 seconds left to actCrazyZachary calls 4,160BKqzbxt has 15 seconds left to actBKqzbxt raises to 16,760, and is all inBry23 foldsdignan550 foldsCrazyZachary has 15 seconds left to actCrazyZachary has requested TIMECrazyZachary calls 12,480BKqzbxt shows [Ks Kc]JustLuck1337 shows [Ac Kd]CrazyZachary shows [Qs Qc]*** FLOP *** [8s Ts 7d]*** TURN *** [8s Ts 7d] [Qh]*** RIVER *** [8s Ts 7d Qh] [Ah]BKqzbxt shows a pair of KingsCrazyZachary shows three of a kind, QueensCrazyZachary wins the side pot (24,960) with three of a kind, QueensJustLuck1337 shows a pair of AcesCrazyZachary wins the main pot (14,430) with three of a kind, QueensBKiCe (Observer): OMGJustLuck1337 stands upBKqzbxt stands upsame time busted the 163 for 20k stack boat vs rivered boatand 10mins prior busted the 109 TT < 77 aip for 18k stack

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VB > apestyles to stay alive. ITM now. Full Tilt Poker Game #7501854964: $750,000 Guarantee (56134520), Table 25 - 600/1200 Ante 150 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:59:19 ET - 2008/08/03Seat 1: FLEXnash (10,849)Seat 2: BadcardsAA (52,611)Seat 3: vbnautilus (5,948)Seat 4: apestyles (11,499)Seat 5: Isuck0nU (23,581)Seat 6: KenRetaard (42,434)Seat 7: AJGJR (8,612)Seat 8: Feneban (10,476)Seat 9: bobby kraut (28,260)FLEXnash antes 150BadcardsAA antes 150vbnautilus antes 150apestyles antes 150Isuck0nU antes 150KenRetaard antes 150AJGJR antes 150Feneban antes 150bobby kraut antes 150Isuck0nU posts the small blind of 600KenRetaard posts the big blind of 1,200The button is in seat #4*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to vbnautilus [Ts 4s]AJGJR foldsFeneban foldsbobby kraut foldsFLEXnash foldsBadcardsAA has 15 seconds left to actBadcardsAA foldsvbnautilus raises to 5,798, and is all inapestyles has 15 seconds left to actapestyles raises to 11,349, and is all inIsuck0nU foldsKenRetaard foldsapestyles shows [Kd 9d]vbnautilus shows [Ts 4s]Uncalled bet of 5,551 returned to apestyles*** FLOP *** [Qc Qd Jd]*** TURN *** [Qc Qd Jd] [8c]*** RIVER *** [Qc Qd Jd 8c] [9c]apestyles shows two pair, Queens and Ninesvbnautilus shows a straight, Queen highvbnautilus wins the pot (14,746) with a straight, Queen high*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 14,746 | Rake 0Board: [Qc Qd Jd 8c 9c]Seat 1: FLEXnash folded before the FlopSeat 2: BadcardsAA folded before the FlopSeat 3: vbnautilus showed [Ts 4s] and won (14,746) with a straight, Queen highSeat 4: apestyles (button) showed [Kd 9d] and lost with two pair, Queens and NinesSeat 5: Isuck0nU (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 6: KenRetaard (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 7: AJGJR folded before the FlopSeat 8: Feneban folded before the FlopSeat 9: bobby kraut folded before the Flop

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OBVIOUSLY. :club: :(Full Tilt Poker Game #7502146409: $750,000 Guarantee (56134520), Table 94 - 800/1600 Ante 200 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:20:50 ET - 2008/08/03Seat 1: mpuskad3 (13,109)Seat 2: GolferEd69 (13,746)Seat 3: ve6ticata (47,917)Seat 4: vbnautilus (18,297)Seat 5: joben19 (29,636)Seat 6: NOVAcane81 (56,401)Seat 7: FLIMSIN (69,362)Seat 8: dreedog (19,378)Seat 9: Gracie8585 (50,656)mpuskad3 antes 200GolferEd69 antes 200ve6ticata antes 200vbnautilus antes 200joben19 antes 200NOVAcane81 antes 200FLIMSIN antes 200dreedog antes 200Gracie8585 antes 200dreedog posts the small blind of 800Gracie8585 posts the big blind of 1,600The button is in seat #7*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to vbnautilus [Ac As]mpuskad3 foldsGolferEd69 raises to 3,200ve6ticata foldsvbnautilus raises to 18,097, and is all injoben19 foldsNOVAcane81 foldsFLIMSIN foldsdreedog foldsGracie8585 foldsGolferEd69 calls 10,346, and is all invbnautilus shows [Ac As]GolferEd69 shows [Js Jc]Uncalled bet of 4,551 returned to vbnautilus*** FLOP *** [Qs Th 8h]*** TURN *** [Qs Th 8h] [9s]*** RIVER *** [Qs Th 8h 9s] [2s]vbnautilus shows a pair of AcesGolferEd69 shows a straight, Queen highGolferEd69 wins the pot (31,292) with a straight, Queen high*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 31,292 | Rake 0Board: [Qs Th 8h 9s 2s]Seat 1: mpuskad3 folded before the FlopSeat 2: GolferEd69 showed [Js Jc] and won (31,292) with a straight, Queen highSeat 3: ve6ticata folded before the FlopSeat 4: vbnautilus showed [Ac As] and lost with a pair of AcesSeat 5: joben19 folded before the FlopSeat 6: NOVAcane81 folded before the FlopSeat 7: FLIMSIN (button) folded before the FlopSeat 8: dreedog (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 9: Gracie8585 (big blind) folded before the Flop

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Last tourney of the night for a top 5 stack with 44 left. Full Tilt Poker Game #7503609078: $65,000 Guarantee (54352440), Table 10 - 1000/2000 Ante 250 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:13:17 ET - 2008/08/04Seat 1: villus (32,893)Seat 2: Renaldo81 (29,007)Seat 3: ALargeGamePiece (66,616)Seat 4: tfasttrack01 (61,524)Seat 5: PearlJammed (43,597)Seat 6: x3rces (26,475)Seat 7: DurangoDan35 (115,595)Seat 8: Naills (23,814)Seat 9: UpHighDownLo (57,481)villus antes 250Renaldo81 antes 250ALargeGamePiece antes 250tfasttrack01 antes 250PearlJammed antes 250x3rces antes 250DurangoDan35 antes 250Naills antes 250UpHighDownLo antes 250UpHighDownLo posts the small blind of 1,000villus posts the big blind of 2,000The button is in seat #8*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to villus [Ks Kh]Renaldo81 foldsALargeGamePiece foldstfasttrack01 foldsPearlJammed foldsx3rces raises to 26,225, and is all inDurangoDan35 raises to 115,345, and is all inNaills foldsUpHighDownLo foldsvillus calls 30,643, and is all inDurangoDan35 shows [5s 5h]villus shows [Ks Kh]x3rces shows [As 6d]Uncalled bet of 82,702 returned to DurangoDan35*** FLOP *** [5c 3h Tc]*** TURN *** [5c 3h Tc] [Qc]*** RIVER *** [5c 3h Tc Qc] [8s]DurangoDan35 shows three of a kind, Fivesvillus shows a pair of KingsDurangoDan35 wins the side pot (12,836) with three of a kind, Fivesx3rces shows Ace Queen highDurangoDan35 wins the main pot (81,925) with three of a kind, FivesKiDHuStLeR (Observer): damnx3rces stands upvillus stands up*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 94,761 Main pot 81,925. Side pot 12,836. | Rake 0Board: [5c 3h Tc Qc 8s]Seat 1: villus (big blind) showed [Ks Kh] and lost with a pair of KingsSeat 2: Renaldo81 folded before the FlopSeat 3: ALargeGamePiece folded before the FlopSeat 4: tfasttrack01 folded before the FlopSeat 5: PearlJammed folded before the FlopSeat 6: x3rces showed [As 6d] and lost with Ace Queen highSeat 7: DurangoDan35 showed [5s 5h] and won (94,761) with three of a kind, FivesSeat 8: Naills (button) folded before the FlopSeat 9: UpHighDownLo (small blind) folded before the FlopPlayed my ass off today cashed in a few tournies but could'nt ship anything. Sigh

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