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Does This Sound Right?

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alright, this sounded so strange to me, either that or the douchiest move ever. I was at CW the other night (actually really early morning) playing 1/2 nl. A new guy comes to the table ( he was actually a whole other story himself but w/e). He plays the first hand and calls every bet. He calls the river (i don't remember what was on board) but when the bettor turns over his cards, the new guy mucks, obv loss. Another player at the table asks to see the mucked hand, someone who was not in the hand. The dealer turned over the cards to show the table.Apparently the ruling is, that if you go to showdown and muck a loser, anyone at the table can ask to see your mucked hand. If you consistently throw your cards purposely in the muck, the players have a right to call the floor over and have your cards exposed anyway.Does this seem like a completely retarded ruling or is it right and just completely bad ettiquette?

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I think in general the dealer will show the mucked cards if you ask, but it is the douchiest thing to do ever. The guy who asked to see the mucked cards was accusing both players of collusion, whether he knew it or not..

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Anyone can ask to see a hand, but once a hand touches the muck you cannot retrieve it. And specifically at CW once a hand touches the muck it cannot be retrieved, but they fuck up the rules all the time I have seen them retrieve hands from the muck and play the hand out which is an utter joke.

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It's known as the "I want to see that hand" IWTSTH rule. 90% of the time it's applied it shouldn't be. The idea is the rule is to protect against colluders. It's generally abused by people who are just curious or hoping to get info.The rule in most places that allow it will also state that if a player is abusing it the floor can take away his right to ask. Some places are moving away from allowing it at all. The best places will call the floor and have him examine the hand and determine if there is anything suspicious before turning it up.

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Anyone can ask to see a hand, but once a hand touches the muck you cannot retrieve it. And specifically at CW once a hand touches the muck it cannot be retrieved, but they fuck up the rules all the time I have seen them retrieve hands from the muck and play the hand out which is an utter joke.
I don't know about CW, but a lot of places allow that. From Robert's Rules:2. Cards thrown into the muck maybe ruled dead. However, a hand that is clearly identifiable may be retrieved at management's discretion if doing so is in the best interest of the game. We will make an extra effort to rule a hand retrievable if it was folded as a result of false information given to the player. EDIT: then again, not sure if this would apply in a hand where the winner has been declared and the pot has been rewarded.
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