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Full Tilt Poker Game #6933362067: The Fifty-Fifty (50960440), Table 102 - 25/50 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:13:08 ET - 2008/06/22Seat 1: slyckrick84 (1,940)Seat 2: 7 bad dingos (3,660)Seat 3: moneycentral (1,670)Seat 4: 47dreamer (1,815)Seat 5: kavena (5,530)Seat 6: DeltaKing54 (3,600)Seat 7: BMORE22 (1,155)Seat 8: OKEAN212 (1,800)Seat 9: POK-E-MON28 (2,785)slyckrick84 posts the small blind of 257 bad dingos posts the big blind of 50The button is in seat #9*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DeltaKing54 [Jh Jd]moneycentral has 15 seconds left to actmoneycentral folds47dreamer foldskavena foldsDeltaKing54 raises to 200BMORE22 foldsOKEAN212 foldsPOK-E-MON28 raises to 2,785, and is all inslyckrick84 folds7 bad dingos foldsDeltaKing54 has 15 seconds left to actDeltaKing54 has requested TIMEThings to consider: Villain lost ~700 last hand. He is also, from what I've noticed, not a very good player. Results in white

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[/color]Things to consider: Villain lost ~700 last hand. He is also, from what I've noticed, not a very good player. Results in white
This is enough to make me snapcall. At worst this a race, but can quite easily be <TT.
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I'd probably call off your read. Without a read, just from my own experience with weird shoves, its almost exclusively a pocket pair or AK. Usually a pocket pair on the good side (for you) of TT. Oh and uh convert (check sticky topic) hands, and never post results. Before you get yelled at.

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My thoughts were that this was 95% AK and a lower pair about 5% of the time. (*these percentages may or may not be bullshit*) Is it correct tournament strategy to call with this in mind? I had about double the starting stack at that time.

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It's pretty callable, particularly as good players will generally not make this play. I mean, who the eff raises a pot like that unless it's a turbo donkament? No value in it...

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lol i'm mad at pocket jacks right now so i say fold. 3 times in a 45 man 5$ sit n go on stars i had this play out exactly. i raise 4 bbs with pocket jacks, later position shoves, i call. shover turns over aces. 3 times in the same tourney all with 3 different people.lol but i think the right play is to call. i'd say villians range should be something like 88+ aq and ak. though aq i would say is the absolute rock bottom of his range. though maby KQ suited if hes mentally handicapped when it comes to poker.

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