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Qq Utg Facing All In

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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t20000 (9 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)Button (t860095)SB (t720472)BB (t623500)Hero (t352265)UTG+1 (t180808)MP1 (t234944)MP2 (t204942)MP3 (t169596)CO (t182610)Preflop: Hero is UTG with Q :ts , Q :club: . Hero raises to t53265, 1 fold, MP1 raises to t232944, 6 folds, Hero ?No reads on villain. Fairly deep in Hundred Grand, about 180-190 left.

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It's 180k to call into about 315k. You need about 37% equity against his range.Lets assume he is pretty nitty:

equity 	win 	tie 		  pots won 	pots tied	Hand 0: 	59.793%	  57.93% 	01.86% 		 172607388 	  5540034.00   { QQ+, AKs, AKo }Hand 1: 	40.207%	  38.35% 	01.86% 		 114253440 	  5540034.00   { QQ }

It's a snapcall. I actually think his range is probably more like:

equity 	win 	tie 		  pots won 	pots tied	Hand 0: 	43.555%	  42.35% 	01.20% 		 213212160 	  6051546.00   { 99+, AQs+, AKo }Hand 1: 	56.445%	  55.24% 	01.20% 		 278102124 	  6051546.00   { QQ }

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It's 180k to call into about 315k. You need about 37% equity against his range.Lets assume he is pretty nitty:
equity 	win 	tie 		  pots won 	pots tied	Hand 0: 	59.793%	  57.93% 	01.86% 		 172607388 	  5540034.00   { QQ+, AKs, AKo }Hand 1: 	40.207%	  38.35% 	01.86% 		 114253440 	  5540034.00   { QQ }

It's a snapcall. I actually think his range is probably more like:

equity 	win 	tie 		  pots won 	pots tied	Hand 0: 	43.555%	  42.35% 	01.20% 		 213212160 	  6051546.00   { 99+, AQs+, AKo }Hand 1: 	56.445%	  55.24% 	01.20% 		 278102124 	  6051546.00   { QQ }

Yeah I had him at TT+, AK, maybe AQ. Thanks. I need to install Stove on this computer, I'm kind of rusty with the math off the top nowadays
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easy rule of thumb...QQ is about 40% or better against higher pairs if AK is in villains range , 99+ are 40% or better aganst higher pairs as long as AQ+ is in villains range.

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Or my rule of thumb...QQ>call:)
lolThe only way to narrow his hand range down to the exact two cards you are worried about is to put him on AA or KK. I don't know anyone that is that tight. Not even JEFF. (hi jeff)
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I'd cram it and hope the guy doesn't have 88 that sets up on the turn (lol)
This took me a minute to get, but once i did i LOLed, heh.
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I'd cram it and hope the guy doesn't have 88 that sets up on the turn (lol)
That's statement is 10x more powerful in combination with your avatar and the "destiny is a fickle b*tch" right under it. :club:
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It's 180k to call into about 315k. You need about 37% equity against his range.Lets assume he is pretty nitty:
equity 	win 	tie 		  pots won 	pots tied	Hand 0: 	59.793%	  57.93% 	01.86% 		 172607388 	  5540034.00   { QQ+, AKs, AKo }Hand 1: 	40.207%	  38.35% 	01.86% 		 114253440 	  5540034.00   { QQ }

It's a snapcall. I actually think his range is probably more like:

equity 	win 	tie 		  pots won 	pots tied	Hand 0: 	43.555%	  42.35% 	01.20% 		 213212160 	  6051546.00   { 99+, AQs+, AKo }Hand 1: 	56.445%	  55.24% 	01.20% 		 278102124 	  6051546.00   { QQ }

perfekt :club:
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There is no question I dont think that this is a very easy call.
Then you must think you can eliminate AK from his range, and if you think AK isnt pushing here then you think people are far more nitty with M<10 than they can possibly be. This is a no brainer call.
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I would go ahead and say that this is an easy call, with a guarenteed heads up. Q-Q is prolly the minimum hand to do this with. And remember that the fact that iut was a snap all-in overbet very strongly sugests that our villain is holding neither aces nor kings. No need to go all in if he is, as a simple reraise would do his work for him of both emptying the field and bringing you along into the hand/inducing YOUR all-in. I would guess that you might see him turn over aces or kings here maybe 5% of the time.

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I would go ahead and say that this is an easy call, with a guarenteed heads up. Q-Q is prolly the minimum hand to do this with. And remember that the fact that iut was a snap all-in overbet very strongly sugests that our villain is holding neither aces nor kings. No need to go all in if he is, as a simple reraise would do his work for him of both emptying the field and bringing you along into the hand/inducing YOUR all-in. I would guess that you might see him turn over aces or kings here maybe 5% of the time.
your two statements are inconsistent. If you see As and Ks 5% of the time then there has to be other hands worse than QQ that are +EV to call with. Certainly AK cant make up 95% of his range, so what do you add in to his range? AQ? then its +EV to call with 99+.Online timing tells are next to worthless imo unless it involves running down the time bank. The vast majority of decisions, including whether or not to play AA, KK fast can be made very quickly
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