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I Just Found My Phone!

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I couldn't find it for the last two weeks or so, but just found there now. It was under the recliner chair. I think it must have been stuck in it and the fell out of it.

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[ ] Best I found my phone story of the week[x] Best I found my phone story is found after the checkboxes[x] I too am missing a cell phone[ ] I have found it[ ] It will turn up soon

where the ****s my phone? cant find the suma bitch!!
found the bitch, iy was on yab tablkehahahafukc you wtupid mother****ers!!!!!!!!!!!!
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[ ] Best I found my phone story of the week[x] Best I found my phone story is found after the checkboxes[x] I too am missing a cell phone[ ] I have found it[ ] It will turn up soon
^^^^^^^[x] Gallo was drunking[ ]Gallo was not drunking
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My buddy shot one of those little plastic arrows with suction cups at my head and we couldn't find the damn thing after. Then like 5 hours later it fell out of my pants. True story.

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My buddy shot one of those little plastic arrows with suction cups at my head and we couldn't find the damn thing after. Then like 5 hours later it fell out of my pants. True story.
Solid story.
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[ ] Best I found my phone story of the week[x] Best I found my phone story is found after the checkboxes[x] I too am missing a cell phone[ ] I have found it[ ] It will turn up soon
^^^^^^^[x] Gallo was drunking[ ]Gallo was not drunking
jesus, you guys are still doing this? really? sure you don't want to throw in a few dreamclown jokes for good measure?
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May I speak to your chair, please?
My buddy shot one of those little plastic arrows with suction cups at my head and we couldn't find the damn thing after. Then like 5 hours later it fell out of my pants. True story.
I'm waffling on which one of these is better.
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I'm waffling on which one of these is better.
When available, it's always loogie.
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i always have the issue of losing my remote while in bed. either its usually under my pillows or in my covers. if im watching somethin on my dvr, it'll usually gets lost like 3 times during an hour long recording. this ever happen to anyone else?

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i always have the issue of losing my remote while in bed. either its usually under my pillows or in my covers. if im watching somethin on my dvr, it'll usually gets lost like 3 times during an hour long recording. this ever happen to anyone else?
Mine falls into the cracks of my couch. I usually get pissed about it, wonder where it could possibly be and curse myself for being stupid enough to lose the remote when it couldn't have gone that far away from the TV, and then after three or four days think to myself "I bet it fell into the cracks of the couch for the 912th time." Sure enough there it is and I move on.
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jesus, you guys are still doing this? really? sure you don't want to throw in a few dreamclown jokes for good measure?
Tried to use OT multi-level thinking by posting this way, knowing it would get moved to OT, then you would see it, read it, and go on LFT.Success!
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  • 3 years later...
Has nobody called you in 2 weeks so that your phone has not rang and/or you didn't hear it?but congrats on finding it
it ran out of battery so I couldn't hear it.ty
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