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Just A Question That Was On My Mind

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why does my belly button make my finger smell like my butthole when i itch it
That's weird. I was just wondering why my butthole makes my finger smell like my belly button. Small world.
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"I bathe once a month, whether I need it or no."-- Queen Elizabeth IUntil this century, the smell of both Europe and America was probably pretty much eye-watering BO.Was this thread started on April 1st?

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so heres the situation.........i pretty much live in my room with real life person contact kept to the minimum so the only real reason i need to shower would be if i start smelling myself and it repusles methis event happends on average once every 2 weeks so i deal with the situation, sometims i neglect my belly button, but even if i dont i still have the same problem.is there any special shampoo for this..kinda like lice shampoo
Sounds like yeast.....try a little jock itch or athlete's foot spray. After you cure this round, you need to prevent it from happening again.....which means more regular bathing and drying out your belly button afterwards.Kurt......doesn't bi actually mean two, not twice ? Like bicycle means two wheels, not twice wheels, and bisexual means sex with two genders, not sex twice ?Where is LLY to help settle this debate ?
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