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Does Anybody Know The Specifics About How Poker Rooms Run?

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why do people shun that question? It seems like the most important qustion anybody could ask when investing money into something online.
Google RNG or Kahwanakee (check my spelling first though.)And then just take a look around at how many thousands of players are playing without much worry as we speak.And the most important question is "Am I good enough to win?"
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Here is a post from another forum that i use. It is from a man who is considered to be a highly respected poster and player.Run in with a man who has hacked PStars in the past."First of all, I'm the furthest thing from the 'techy computer' type... so I don't really know or remember how he does it.Basically I went to a live cash game held at a nearby seniors centre, and I met this older gentleman who works for a software company (of which they are trying to sell patents to Nortel). Anyways, halfway through the session, he overhears me talking about PokerStars and he pipes up about him and his co-workers are working on software that can hack the website.A few interesting points:1) He worked for the military at one point or another2) He says he's trying to hack the software to help understand and prevent hacking in the future3) This is a not for gambling profit project4) He at one point pulls out his blackberry and it all of the information of a tournament that had just been played by one of his bots. It had all of the essential information you'd expect from a PS SNG congratulatory e-mail. The e-mail had the time on it and it said 2:47am on it, and he had been in that room playing live for the last 8 hours.5) The bot only plays cheap microstakes games6) They are working on bots that can see opponents cards but are having difficulty with face cards7) Notable bots: Mr. T & Triple H (I'm not sure of correct spelling or look of either name)8) This guy is legit"

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Here is a post from another forum that i use. It is from a man who is considered to be a highly respected poster and player.Run in with a man who has hacked PStars in the past."First of all, I'm the furthest thing from the 'techy computer' type... so I don't really know or remember how he does it.Basically I went to a live cash game held at a nearby seniors centre, and I met this older gentleman who works for a software company (of which they are trying to sell patents to Nortel). Anyways, halfway through the session, he overhears me talking about PokerStars and he pipes up about him and his co-workers are working on software that can hack the website.A few interesting points:1) He worked for the military at one point or another2) He says he's trying to hack the software to help understand and prevent hacking in the future3) This is a not for gambling profit project4) He at one point pulls out his blackberry and it all of the information of a tournament that had just been played by one of his bots. It had all of the essential information you'd expect from a PS SNG congratulatory e-mail. The e-mail had the time on it and it said 2:47am on it, and he had been in that room playing live for the last 8 hours.5) The bot only plays cheap microstakes games6) They are working on bots that can see opponents cards but are having difficulty with face cards7) Notable bots: Mr. T & Triple H (I'm not sure of correct spelling or look of either name)8) This guy is legit"
It's not hard to get tournament information.Look at Sharkscope, OPR, Thepokerdb, etc. They track all of that stuff also.Look at #6.
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I think you have to seriously consider the possibility that your entire universe is a merely a virtual reality program created by evil robot overlords for the purpose of using your body as a battery. This way they have the energy to continue being evil robot overlords. At that point the legitimacy on online poker becomes the least of your worries.

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I think you have to seriously consider the possibility that your entire universe is a merely a virtual reality program created by evil robot overlords for the purpose of using your body as a battery. This way they have the energy to continue being evil robot overlords. At that point the legitimacy on online poker becomes the least of your worries.
Best 13th post of all time imo.
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I think you have to seriously consider the possibility that your entire universe is a merely a virtual reality program created by evil robot overlords for the purpose of using your body as a battery. This way they have the energy to continue being evil robot overlords. At that point the legitimacy on online poker becomes the least of your worries.
Definitely, if they can hack the server, how can you accept all in wihtoot see floop?
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The fact a bot is winning has nothing to do with "hacking the site" and seeing hole cards. Its the game theory you program into it.The sites use a couple different things in generating random numbers. Two main things that make them impossible to predict are:1) Intel recently created a chip that uses thermo noise to generate random numbers. This cannot be logically predicted. It is completely random2) Mouse movements of the players at the table. Whether you move the mouse while you play, if you click elsewhere on the screen, etc. These are all used as variables to generate the random number used to shuffle the next hand.The sites cannot be hacked by predicting the output of their random number generator. Bots that win do so because they are using solid game theory. I imagine anyone running a high-stakes bot is doing so at a limit table.

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Random number generator.They have have pattern detectors. Pros and industry experts have worked on these so the "computer" can recognise any unusual patterns. If you fold pocket aces it goes in the log.Most places have a team that works soley on studying and finding this.

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i hate the op.
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i hate the op.
I echo this sentiment. He's giving CinciKid's everywhere a bad name. BTW, all of this stuff has been covered on FCP a long time ago. Do a search for posts by Tritz. See also, tinfoil hat.
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I actually used to work for Pokerstars and have a pretty good idea how they run...To sum it up...they run left to right.

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