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Does This Seem Fishy

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alright, first of all, i don't play many cash games, so i don't see this too often.I'm sitting at a .5/.10 limit he table right nowthere is one guy who is only calling hands he happens to win but he's calling all the way with super donkish hands.He called 6-2 off with the 2 of hearts to make runner runner flush, then folded for min 3 hands in a row. he called down J9 off with a heart on a AKx xx runner runner heart board that was bet all the way.then he mysteriously folds suddenly.Am i just being conspiracy minded or should i be emailing support?

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I would think that if he was able to cheat like this he wouldn't be at a .05/.10 table.
That's what I was thinking, but you never know. Anyways, he could just be donktastic, he's lost a few pots calling down with the inferior hand for once.
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I would think that if he was able to cheat like this he wouldn't be at a .05/.10 table.
i would think the same thing but...you'd think if someone had the ability to counterfeit bills they'd only do 100's too right?he may think it's less detectable, or he's just trying it out at little risk.
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If you are seriously concerned Id send support an email. oh and post a pic :club:
if you were a tiger's fan, i'd pm pics daily, but since you're a cubs fan....i'm not so sure. LOL.i think he was just donktastic now that he's losing hands here and there, but i'm so unsure why he would suddenly fold hands. what could be worse that 6-2 off, and how can he justify any of the calls he made?
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Ask him if he likes grits (corn) or oatmeal (oats) better. Everyone knows a donkey's favorite food is corn!! If he says oatmeal, call support immediately!!!!

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if you were a tiger's fan, i'd pm pics daily, but since you're a cubs fan....i'm not so sure. LOL.i think he was just donktastic now that he's losing hands here and there, but i'm so unsure why he would suddenly fold hands. what could be worse that 6-2 off, and how can he justify any of the calls he made?
I pull for the Tigers in the AL
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False alarm. He did indeed just donkstrike multiple times, and now we're cleaning him out.
but maybe he saw this thread and is now losing on purpose so as not to draw attention to himself
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but maybe he saw this thread and is now losing on purpose so as not to draw attention to himself
On 2nd thought, that's probably it. obv sw
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