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Initial reraiser has been playing pretty loose, I put him on as wide a range as A10+, 55+, KQ.Re-Re-raiser has been tight, I haven't seen him play any hands as of late.PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t600 (8 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)BB (t12131)UTG (t6925)UTG+1 (t18025)MP1 (t13940)MP2 (t8749)Hero (t13585)Button (t8135)SB (t22298)Preflop: Hero is CO with K :club: , A :D . 4 folds, Hero raises to t1800, Button raises to t8085, 1 fold, BB raises to t12081, Hero ????????????????

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I just found this awesome site propokertools.com.You can enter your hand and the ranges for your opponents and estimate your pot equity.AcKs 27.65% AK-AT,KQ,55,66,77,88,99,TT,JJ,QQ,KK,AA 27.97% AK,TT,JJ,QQ,KK,AA 44.38% As you can see, your hand has only 27.65% equity in this hand, against likely ranges for your opponents. That makes this a fairly clear fold, since you are only getting about 2:1 odds.

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I just found this awesome site propokertools.com.You can enter your hand and the ranges for your opponents and estimate your pot equity.AcKs 27.65% AK-AT,KQ,55,66,77,88,99,TT,JJ,QQ,KK,AA 27.97% AK,TT,JJ,QQ,KK,AA 44.38% As you can see, your hand has only 27.65% equity in this hand, against likely ranges for your opponents. That makes this a fairly clear fold, since you are only getting about 2:1 odds.
Or just download pokerstove.
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I'm not folding AK in a $4
Results:I folded... initial all in had AQ... re-raiser had 99.Board: Q x x x A.So I would have won against 99, and lost against AQ.I'm not usually a huge advocate of folding AK in $4.40's, but part of my strategy is to reraise and steal blinds to build my stack. I don't want to race for >50% of my chips calling a huge bet.
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I likely fold as well. I doubt that both players hold an A with with worse hands than yours. I put re-reraiser on range of TT+, AK. The fact that it IS a 4.40 though, and with its top-heavy pay structure, I might be wiling to go out for a chance at having a nice chip stack for the FT.

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The thing is here that the 1st reraiser probably has a high pair due to the ammount he reraises(allin), AK is possible aswell though, but i can't really put him on anything else unless he reraises a lot or you have a loose image.The 2nd reraiser probably has AK aswell or a big pair, but i think he's got at least TT, probably JJ+ even.If they both have a pair of Kings or lower it'd be good to call i suppose, if you wanna risk your tournament, but on the other hand have to chance to tripple up. I'd say it's worth the risk in this case. If one of them has AK though or AQ if he's stupid, 1 or 2 of your outs are gone and your chances of winning drop and you might have to split if he has AK. In this scenario i'd rather not risk it personally, because you have very little in the pot, but if you like to gamble... maybe in this scenario a call wouldn't be so bad.Last possibility though is that one of them has KK or AA and now you are probably losing a lot of chips and out of the tournament.Only 1 of these 3 scenarios is one i'd like to call, but even then you could make a conservative fold. In the 2nd and 3rd scenario you're in a lot worse shape imo and i think the 2nd one is the most likely one you're in here. So i'd fold this one.

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Definitely not a fistpump call when you open AK and it goes shove, re-shove behind you because so often you're up against another AK and a pair.Folding is fine here, esp because like you said, you can get chips pretty easily without a fight late in these.

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Definitely not a fistpump call when you open AK and it goes shove, re-shove behind you because so often you're up against another AK and a pair.Folding is fine here, esp because like you said, you can get chips pretty easily without a fight late in these.
Exactly my thinking.I've noticed lately that It's not too difficult for me to go deep in these by simply using position when the blinds get deeper.Re-stealing is a real easy way to gain chips. Hell, I've incorporated minraising and limping into my game more lately, with positive results of just stealing blinds.Thanks for the input, people.
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Exactly my thinking.I've noticed lately that It's not too difficult for me to go deep in these by simply using position when the blinds get deeper.Re-stealing is a real easy way to gain chips. Hell, I've incorporated minraising and limping into my game more lately, with positive results of just stealing blinds.Thanks for the input, people.
Restealing never works for me in 4.40s..Like ever
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