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What Would You Do In This Spot?

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This is from a $33 mtt last night where a player in EP just limps and SB shovels my BB. Heres the scenario...Table '68052766 9' 9-max Seat #7 is the buttonSeat 1: assomat (7705 in chips) Seat 2: NoSalesTax (4625 in chips) Seat 3: NoSillyName (7461 in chips) Seat 4: moneymike863 (4155 in chips) Seat 5: MONTANA_133 (2156 in chips) Seat 6: MuppZips (832 in chips) is sitting outSeat 7: ralfi68 (1480 in chips) Seat 8: Woody1334 (2710 in chips) Seat 9: jcashx36x (11041 in chips) assomat: posts the ante 25NoSalesTax: posts the ante 25NoSillyName: posts the ante 25moneymike863: posts the ante 25MONTANA_133: posts the ante 25MuppZips: posts the ante 25ralfi68: posts the ante 25Woody1334: posts the ante 25jcashx36x: posts the ante 25Woody1334: posts small blind 150jcashx36x: posts big blind 300*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to jcashx36x [7s 7c]assomat: folds NoSalesTax: folds NoSillyName: calls 300moneymike863: folds MONTANA_133: folds MuppZips: folds ralfi68: folds Woody1334: raises 2385 to 2685 and is all-injcashx36x: what do you do here? edit : thanks ahead for all the input FCPaloha, jC

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Edit because you chastized yourself.I don't call a 2385 chip raise to protect my 325 BB and Ante with another player already having put chips in the pot voluntarily - our middle pocket pair isn't good enough

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Edit because you chastized yourself.I don't call a 2385 chip raise to protect my 325 BB and Ante with another player already having put chips in the pot voluntarily - our middle pocket pair isn't good enough
Its my fault the entire time, i was distracted by some show on MTV. I didnt see the guy limp in EP. I just saw the SB shovel into my BB and i had 77. I snapped called only to see the villain in EP shovel too. KK obv.ANd Kxx flop...baaaa
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jcash.I suggest you take a look at the forum posting guidelines, and convert your hands, etc.Also note there is a Tournament Play forum down the street a little for tourney strat hands.I'll move this one, and let it slide, but next time please do use that converter and post in the right forum.Thanks.- Zach

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Well, I saw the results, but that doesn't change the fact that I would have folded. Losing only 350-ish against risking (potentially) 70% of your stack (the guy behind you) is not bad. Let the squeeze play work and wait for a better spot, particularly if the short stack gets called and eliminated, it all works out for you.

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You have only 325 in the pot w/ a pair of 7's. Usually, you're racing here, although the sb could make this move w/ basically ATC. With that said, why risk so much w/ 77? your equity in the pot is low and you don't know what the EP limper is going to do. It sounds like you weren't paying attention to that aspect of the hand, hence the question. Also, you seem to have a pretty decent stack for this stage of the tournament. Save those chips for possible position plays closer to the bubble. If you're calling off that much w/ 77, you're simply gambling. Wait for a potentially better spot to make that call.

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