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live 1-2 NL. Hero has JJ UTG+3. UTG limps, hero makes it $10. All folds to BB who smooth calls, UTG folds. Flop is A 3 4 r. BB checks, Hero bets $15 and BB calls. Turn 8. BB checks, Hero checks. River 5. BB leads out for $30, pot is now roughly $55. Hero?????Up to this point villain has been playing fairly LAG and has shown down what I would refer to as "weak" holdings at showdown. The only problem here is all I can beat is a bluff which the 5 gave him an excellent card to represent a straight. Plus A2, A5, or any A may value bet.

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Wrong forum.And fold. This appears to be a clear value bet and any ace or two beats you, as do queens/kings (unlikely), or any set (again unlikely). Very rare that you are ahead here after the flop check/call.

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live 1-2 NL. Hero has JJ UTG+3. UTG limps, hero makes it $10. All folds to BB who smooth calls, UTG folds. Flop is A 3 4 r. BB checks, Hero bets $15 and BB calls. Turn 8. BB checks, Hero checks. River 5. BB leads out for $30, pot is now roughly $55. Hero?????Up to this point villain has been playing fairly LAG and has shown down what I would refer to as "weak" holdings at showdown. The only problem here is all I can beat is a bluff which the 5 gave him an excellent card to represent a straight. Plus A2, A5, or any A may value bet.
post in stratI dont like the weak flop bet if ur just gonna check/fold on future streets.you showed weakness on the turn. he could hold any number of hands here, including 5,6. since u said he was lag.
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I dont like the weak flop bet if ur just gonna check/fold on future streets.you showed weakness on the turn. he could hold any number of hands here, including 5,6. since u said he was lag.
Don't really think $15 into a $22 pot is weak.As RT says, villian could hold a number of hands being a lag. Thus I like the turn check but only if you call the river.
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With this board composition, I bet the turn a lot here aginst LAG players so that you can check behind on the river. It lets you get value for your hand if it is best, it gives you a clear bet/fold if he raises and it lets you maintain control of the hand. Sometimes (rarely) he will fold a weak-ish Ace on the turn to the bet as well.

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Don't really think $15 into a $22 pot is weak.As RT says, villian could hold a number of hands being a lag. Thus I like the turn check but only if you call the river.
This was exactly my thinking during the hand. That I would check the turn only to call a river bet that was likely a bluff attempt. I call and he tables 99.
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This was exactly my thinking during the hand. That I would check the turn only to call a river bet that was likely a bluff attempt. I call and he tables 99.
This is not good becuase there are not a lot of draws on that board that missed. If the flop was AT8 with 2 spades and you played it like this after the turn and river come off suit 52 or something, then I'd feel better about calling.Most of the time here he has an A becuase most players will not call the flop OOP then make a small bet on the river as a bluff. If you're gonna put in 2 bets, then just bet the turn and check the river. Calling the river means you're paying him off way too much.
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Don't really think $15 into a $22 pot is weak.As RT says, villian could hold a number of hands being a lag. Thus I like the turn check but only if you call the river.
oh, my bad i misread it, i thought there was 2 callers for the 10. + his 10 making it $33 pot.
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This was exactly my thinking during the hand. That I would check the turn only to call a river bet that was likely a bluff attempt. I call and he tables 99.
how is it a LIKELY bluff attempt?it was a rainbow board, and EVERY straight draw he could chased has you beat now with eith the str8 or trip 5s.And its very difficult to really think he would bet the river with a hand like 99 here. so what the hell did you put him on?? or are you just being a calling station?
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live 1-2 NL. Hero has JJ UTG+3. UTG limps, hero makes it $10. All folds to BB who smooth calls, UTG folds. Flop is A 3 4 r. BB checks, Hero bets $15 and BB calls. Turn 8. BB checks, Hero checks. River 5. BB leads out for $30, pot is now roughly $55. Hero?????Up to this point villain has been playing fairly LAG and has shown down what I would refer to as "weak" holdings at showdown. The only problem here is all I can beat is a bluff which the 5 gave him an excellent card to represent a straight. Plus A2, A5, or any A may value bet.
You're so beaten here.
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how is it a LIKELY bluff attempt?it was a rainbow board, and EVERY straight draw he could chased has you beat now with eith the str8 or trip 5s.And its very difficult to really think he would bet the river with a hand like 99 here. so what the hell did you put him on?? or are you just being a calling station?
insightful as usual
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