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LOOOOOOL:dimsumboy [observer]: hi tom, i have a questionknifefish8 [observer]: take it down tom then lose it all to me ive been waitingdimsumboy [observer]: tom, can i ask you a question?Dealer: Game #11712392963: zangbezan24 wins pot (20400)COTOCA [observer]: yes, i can answerknelson827 [observer]: you just didAuriannA [observer]: hes playing dont bug himdimsumboy [observer]: quiet, railbirds.AuriannA [observer]: pesky rail birdiesTom McEvoy: I will answer one quick reasonable questionRonStyles [observer]: ohdimsumboy [observer]: ok, how are you a pro?
yea saw that, 2 min later:Tom McEvoy: I am now turning off my chat and will answer no more questions
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see...even people with enough money do stupid things in chat, why not let us all in????not that i would do something stupid, i just want to rail .....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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The structure was great for my card dead-ness but bad for me tonight. I was not at all focused for this tournament as I am exhausted. I played fairly poorly down the stretch IMO. Oh well.

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see...even people with enough money do stupid things in chat, why not let us all in????not that i would do something stupid, i just want to rail .....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I am not sure I follow your logic; you are perfectly capable of watching the people play without money in your account; you just cannot type on the rail; the guys who are moneying these things probably don't need the distraction and you came in here to make the point of saying that you are on the silent rail anyways; I like to rail too, and I don't have money on there to chat, but I can still watch; unless you are seeking credit for railing or feel that your "gl" or "tid" or "nh" is going to make the difference, just rail and type in herethe sites don't want a million players typing in comments and that is what would happen; it is not just the negative stuff, it is the total accumulation of crap being spewed on the sites
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LOOOOOOL:dimsumboy [observer]: ok, how are you a pro?
Best rail question ever!!!!!! :club:
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LOOOOOOL:dimsumboy [observer]: hi tom, i have a questionknifefish8 [observer]: take it down tom then lose it all to me ive been waitingdimsumboy [observer]: tom, can i ask you a question?Dealer: Game #11712392963: zangbezan24 wins pot (20400)COTOCA [observer]: yes, i can answerknelson827 [observer]: you just didAuriannA [observer]: hes playing dont bug himdimsumboy [observer]: quiet, railbirds.AuriannA [observer]: pesky rail birdiesTom McEvoy: I will answer one quick reasonable questionRonStyles [observer]: ohdimsumboy [observer]: ok, how are you a pro?
I would pay $50 to see the look on Tommy's face when that popped up on his screen.
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I am not sure I follow your logic; you are perfectly capable of watching the people play without money in your account; you just cannot type on the rail; the guys who are moneying these things probably don't need the distraction and you came in here to make the point of saying that you are on the silent rail anyways; I like to rail too, and I don't have money on there to chat, but I can still watch; unless you are seeking credit for railing or feel that your "gl" or "tid" or "nh" is going to make the difference, just rail and type in herethe sites don't want a million players typing in comments and that is what would happen; it is not just the negative stuff, it is the total accumulation of crap being spewed on the sites
it's not the same....i enjoy being railed and seeing the support and being able to chitchat a little. Just my thoughts...i know alot of people who turn off chat while playing and that's cool too. i think it comes down to preference. i don't mind doing it this way, and for some people it's the way they prefer to be railed too. My point simply was just because someone has or doesn't have enough money to buy into a certain game in their accounts shouldn't determine whether or not that person has a chat priviledge. it doesn't really weed out the idiots (as proven). I also don't think it's fair that they pay these big named pros and advertise them like you can chat and play with them. Then see them sit down at a 200/400 table and hardly anybody in their advertising audience can play these stakes. therefore can't chat with them. i just think it's punishing the good and not necessarily restricting the bad.
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PokerStars Game #11716058057: Tournament #58516116, $500+$30 Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXI (80000/160000) - 2007/08/27 - 03:44:47 (ET)Table '58516116 165' 9-max Seat #3 is the buttonSeat 3: Egar1m (2218544 in chips) Seat 4: kaweco (7005478 in chips) Seat 9: Sir_DonaldRM (17215978 in chips) Egar1m: posts the ante 16000kaweco: posts the ante 16000Sir_DonaldRM: posts the ante 16000kaweco: posts small blind 80000Sir_DonaldRM: posts big blind 160000*** HOLE CARDS ***Egar1m: raises 2042544 to 2202544 and is all-inkaweco: calls 2122544Sir_DonaldRM: calls 2042544*** FLOP *** [Ac 6d 7d]kaweco: checks Sir_DonaldRM: checks *** TURN *** [Ac 6d 7d] [4s]kaweco: checks Sir_DonaldRM: checks *** RIVER *** [Ac 6d 7d 4s] [6h]kaweco: checks Sir_DonaldRM: checks *** SHOW DOWN ***kaweco: shows [Ad 8s] (two pair, Aces and Sixes)Sir_DonaldRM: shows [Ah Jc] (two pair, Aces and Sixes - Jack kicker)Egar1m: shows [6c 6s] (four of a kind, Sixes)Egar1m collected 6655632 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 6655632 | Rake 0 Board [Ac 6d 7d 4s 6h]Seat 3: Egar1m (button) showed [6c 6s] and won (6655632) with four of a kind, SixesSeat 4: kaweco (small blind) showed [Ad 8s] and lost with two pair, Aces and SixesSeat 9: Sir_DonaldRM (big blind) showed [Ah Jc] and lost with two pair, Aces and SixesI don't understand....

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I don't understand what you don't understand.
What Donald was thinking during that hand. Musta been just checking to move up a place.
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What Donald was thinking during that hand. Musta been just checking to move up a place.
Yes, its quite a standard cooperation play, when one person is all in at a big pay jump like this, you both benefit by checking it down rather than isolating, since you have a better chance of eliminating the all-in player together.
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