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Best Tourney To Sat To Sunday Million?

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Mods, please move this if need be....I'm looking for any ideas on the best way to cheaply (stay within my br) to sat to sunday million. i have seen the 3r but i've never played one and i'm wondering how scary (shoveaments) the rebuy is. Any info would help....

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Mods, please move this if need be....I'm looking for any ideas on the best way to cheaply (stay within my br) to sat to sunday million. i have seen the 3r but i've never played one and i'm wondering how scary (shoveaments) the rebuy is. Any info would help....
i like the 8.80 turbo 6max double shootouts, if you cant win your seat in 10 of them, ysap
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Cheapest - $2.20 Triple ShootoutBest - $11r or $36 (I think thats's the cost) FreezeoutEasiest - ANY Sunday Satty...seriously.During the week u have some people who play satty's regularly. They do it to acquire T$ etc... However...almost always people trying to sat in on Sunday are people trying to get seats to play. This almost always makes a bigger field and undoubtably more donktastic! Play w/ any decent satty strategy at all and u should EASILY get a seat if u play on Sunday.Hope that helped!

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I've never been big on satellites to tournies. I've always bought directly into anything I've played. Maybe I'll give the satellites a shot for the Sunday tourny this week.

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FPP SitNgos
Or better yet, the 500 FPP sat. I think they run at 6:05 pm and are fairly easy. You must have a ton of FPP's with the amount you play !!
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Or better yet, the 500 FPP sat. I think they run at 6:05 pm and are fairly easy. You must have a ton of FPP's with the amount you play !!
funny enough, i only play tourneys so fpps are relatively low. Maybe i'll go crash a ring game and make some.EDIT: go and crash at a ring game.
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I like the $8.80 +R on Sunday mornings. Very loose Euros on board & I usually win a seat for 3 or 4 buy-ins. Then I mange to blow it all on a flush draw. :club: Also the DS make you a little $$ if you don't win.

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I've won 2 seats via the 375 FPP 4 table SNG turbos. They are fun. That would be my best bet. Also, the $8.80 is super sweet because, you focus on winning first table, then just make sure your not eliminated first at final table and you at min. get your money back and a little change, so if you fail to win, try another one.... It might be a vicious cycle but it is quite a good deal!

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The 36$ sats are good. One in 6 wins a seat.I also like the 8$ rebuy sats.I'm not a fan of the Double Shootouts, though. Variance can bite you hard. The 2$ Triple Shootout is a low cost way to give it a shot. It's also 6 handed, which is fun.As mentioned, any Sunday satty will get a lot of people/donks, which will increase your chances.

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in 5 8.80 ds's this week1st, 4th, 5th, busted first table, 1st = 419$ in profit... obv brag post
And this is why I will be playing this when I get home...Work gets in the way of poker to much.
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