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CompatiblePoker.com - Poker NewsJul 18, 2007 Neteller to Release US Funds in 12 Days or LessNeteller has finally resolved investigations with the USAO and announced they will release US funds within 12 days, no later than July 30th. source: http://www.compatiblepoker.com/Neteller+to...or+Less.new.htmPlayer funds were restricted from being withdrawn for almost 150 days but soon players will be able to cash out all of their funds.It is important that US customers who still have money in Neteller follow the dates Neteller will soon set. Once Neteller sets a date that US customers may withdraw funds (12 days or less) they will then have almost 6 months to withdraw funds or have them seized by Neteller. The final date to withdraw funds has been set to January 26, 2008.Neteller will not be given any criminal charges. Instead, in brief, they will forfeit $136 million in funds and continue to work with the USAO's ongoing investigations into online gambling.The US Treasury along with the US Department of Justice have yet to release regulations which are seeking to stop all online gaming transactions in the US known as the UIGEA.More information on this can be found at Neteller's July 18th press release and also the newly updated US FAQ page.News Source: Roger Shriveredited: here's another article: http://www.pokernews.com/news/2007/7/netel...ney-july-30.htmhttp://www.cardplayer.com/poker-news/article/9307and LOL gallo. you're probably right :club:

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I'll believe it when I see it, but that is the most promising words we've heard in a while.

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It's a setup!! :club:
Just in case I will be willing to accept all your money, so that only I take the fall for you guys/girls when I withdrawl it. If after 2-9 months the BATF doesn't charge my house, then I will send you your money, less a 15% cartons of cigarettes for jail fund to be created at a future date.
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somewhere, isaac haxton just came.
well played, sir.. well played..
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