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Waco's Chip Count?

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Anyone that is out in Vegas know what Waco's chip count from day 2 is? Pokernews has him at 11k but P5's has him at 59k. My buddy has him in his Main Event pool and is confused.Waco? Anyone?

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anyone know about Hoos?
60k. Plays Wednesday, and is at the same table as Jesus Ferguson. I dunno how he feels about posting his real name in the thread (i doubt he cares) but he says he is going to get the pocketfives lives guys to follow him
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60k. Plays Wednesday, and is at the same table as Jesus Ferguson. I dunno how he feels about posting his real name in the thread (i doubt he cares) but he says he is going to get the pocketfives lives guys to follow him
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60k. Plays Wednesday, and is at the same table as Jesus Ferguson. I dunno how he feels about posting his real name in the thread (i doubt he cares) but he says he is going to get the pocketfives lives guys to follow him
his blog's his name so ya prob doesnt care
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60k. Plays Wednesday, and is at the same table as Jesus Ferguson. I dunno how he feels about posting his real name in the thread (i doubt he cares) but he says he is going to get the pocketfives lives guys to follow him
His real name is in his blog URL.I'm pretty sure he's not shy about it...It's also in his P5s profile...Just saying.
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Jonathan DepaAnd a bunch of us had a $200 bet as to who had the most chips after day 1. Obv Waco wins; he has 59,600 and I have 58,600. If I knew his count I would have just raised one more pot at the end of the day...auidfkmnalksdfadsf

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Jonathan DepaAnd a bunch of us had a $200 bet as to who had the most chips after day 1. Obv Waco wins; he has 59,600 and I have 58,600. If I knew his count I would have just raised one more pot at the end of the day...auidfkmnalksdfadsf
Awesome...you run good. Prop betting got you through day 1 at least.
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Jonathan DepaAnd a bunch of us had a $200 bet as to who had the most chips after day 1. Obv Waco wins; he has 59,600 and I have 58,600. If I knew his count I would have just raised one more pot at the end of the day...auidfkmnalksdfadsf
GL sir.
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Jonathan DepaAnd a bunch of us had a $200 bet as to who had the most chips after day 1. Obv Waco wins; he has 59,600 and I have 58,600. If I knew his count I would have just raised one more pot at the end of the day...auidfkmnalksdfadsf
glglglglglgl hoosier, ur a sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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Jared Hamby Wins a Monster PotHamby raised to 4,500 and Gene Strickland re-raised to 17,500. Hamby popped it to 28K and Strickland responded by moving all-in. Hamby instantly called and showed pocket Aces, while Strickland held A-K. The Aces held up and Hamby doubled up to 380,000, which puts him (for the moment) at the top of our chip counts. Strickland saw his stack fall to 120K.

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Jared only needs one chip to take this sucka down.
ended day 2 with 315kany other FCPers left?
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