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Everything posted by SweetDaddyFreak

  1. I vote for Redpill for the slim chance that Daniel and him get some type of reality tv deal on FOX...
  2. Hope to see some "Charter Member Only" tournies at some point. Im suprised by the change, but good for Daniel, he deserves his own room.
  3. Buy the code book, use X Y O O Left Down X when the special bar is loaded 75% full.Good strategery-GW
  4. i couldn't agree more. Whoever came up with this idea needs help.It sounds like something a team from The Apprentice would come up with.Yeah, i'm quite convinced this is their work, season 5 cast probably. (we're on about 5 right?)Obviously you have never seen Randal, King of All that is Trump in this world. The guy is a machine, catch an espisode Thursday at 900 only on NBCThats Thursday9:00On NBCThursdays
  5. wow, Im not the only one who puts boobs before great poker players..ZING!!uh, are you insulting me or agreeing with me??? How is this a zing??It is more of a tribute
  6. wow, Im not the only one who puts boobs before great poker players..ZING!!
  7. You can try jerking off. Perhaps bein physically and mentally spent will prevent you from blowing your money.Just tattoo a dollar bill on yourself, then your girlfriend can blow your money for you, and you'll get to sleep easier after. Too bad it never happens that way though...
  8. Its Pokerstars, always assume the worst at Pokerstars, they will have it regardless
  9. My Full Tilt account had $8 yesterday, now its $55, thats my score for today
  10. I cant wait for an all FCP ME Final Table, the TV would be great, Royal vs Ron, MissIdaho, and everyone would be doing the Krablar... Smash and Spademan would be heads-up for the title
  11. At work and used the phrase "Thats so 1.4" just to see half a dozen blank faces
  12. Sweet Daddy Freak or PimpMasta N, both nicknames and online names
  13. It is impossible to play pro in florida, $2 sucks, hopefully they can move betting limits up to at least 5/10, but i wont hold my breath, at least its only 18 to gamble
  14. Your name fits this artice perfectly. I think Daniel should fold because he is obviously better than the rest of the table (Most of the time) but Im not sure if he would fold, cause he is a gambler whoes looking for 1st place rather than barely making the money
  15. Now I know there are already 20 threads on Matusow but I was reading his interview in Bluff and the Question was asked to him about is arrest, is answer went like this (Not actually sure cause I do not have thew magazine in front of me)Matusow: I became friends with an undercover cop and he made me pick up drugs for him twice in a year and a half. When I got arrested they offered to drop all charges on me if I wore a wire and ratted out another larger drug dealer, which is what they were looking for, the cop said "Mike we know your a good person and if you do this for us we will drop all charg
  16. Ie been waiting for this for awhile now...When you start a new account so all the vets wont remeber the stupid stuff you said on your other one
  17. Hey guys, Im starting up new accounts on a majority of sites including Full Tilt, Ultimate Bet, Party Poker and others. If anyone wants me to refer them tell me, currently i do not having any or bonuses codes, so contact me if you have either
  18. :? I didnt know David Ortiz struck out, everytime i see him it seems he's hitting a game-winning homer...Doyle deserves everything he gets for what he has done, regardless
  19. You know what I would do if I had $5 million? I would mind my own fucking business. Actually, I would do that even if I was just an average Joe who was posting on an internet forum. Just something to think about.LOL, you know with all the crap talked on this site, i love it for posts like this one, it makes everything worthwhile, good job
  20. Thank you for bringing the Krablar into my life, i owe you everything, i will forever do the dance (live or online) and live the life Krablar wanted me to live God Bless seriously
  21. well that sucked, when i clicked on the link i was hoping for pics of Paris Hilton :cry:
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