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Everything posted by rhinoceraces

  1. Just lost my chat too and I'm not sure why
  2. JC is 7th in chip with 29 players left, go go go!!!!
  3. JC is 7th in chip with 29 players left in FTOPS event 6, go go go!!!!
  4. Where is JC, everybodies favorite Mexican when you need him?
  5. https://www.allaccessgift.com/gift/index.m Enter your Zip Code and it will give you a list of stores in your area.
  6. Royal the article says his opponent is a tight-aggressive player, not loose aggressive.
  7. In case you didn't get it the "smoke his meats" thing was a set up for the butcher comment. Come on do I look like Ron Mexico?
  8. NEILZ_ is a luck box nice 2...........but hey gg
  9. I have always seen Pat's decesion to forgo his 3.6 million contract as patriotic but this piece makes me wonder.http://www.theslantedpenguin.blogspot.com/
  10. I have always seen Pat's decesion to forgo his 3.6 million contract as patriotic but this piece makes me wonder.http://www.theslantedpenguin.blogspot.com/
  11. Hope Daniel post a blog and lets us know his results from season 3 before it airs.
  12. I am yet to see an individual that is an earlier forum member than I. Gongrats if you can find one because everyone that is worth a da.mn left
  13. Just wanted to see how many post I have to see if I am as cool as you douchesJust wanted to see how many post I have to see if I am as cool as you douches
  14. My favorite BS bad beat is when you flop top set with JJ and the guy hits runnign Aces to beat you with A 4 off even though that wouldn't make him a higher boat. Try to be more creative and accurate next time you make some shit up.
  15. Dude your in the final table is you stop trying to make a move on every ragged flop.
  16. Does anyone know who basselassen is, a pro a head up specialist or what?
  17. Deeb's tourney record for the last 2 years has been very solid and he's about to take another one down. His personality makes for good TV too, basically a solid ambassador for the game as well.
  18. Huh someone else has heard the same thing then huh. Not saying its fact children and I never said I was better than chan, but yes he is primarily a tourney player. Sorry I didn't mean to diss your hero, and ghostface's biological father even though he would never claim a child with Down's syndrome was his own.
  19. Dear Mr. Rhinobreath,Saying that Johnny Chan is a tool and a fish, is like saying you possess intelligence and wit and good spelling skills. Do you see why?Allie you seem nice, point taken I'm a very poor speller. And I stated above that the Chan thing was a joke and that I made a mistake posting. Thank you for pointing it out again though I appreciate it.
  20. Listen donkey when you say "I think" that means you are assuming, if you knew how to read you would know that he says I never drink and is making a joke about drinking the Beast. But listen I'm a newbie so I'll cut you and break and let you save your forum image ok. lol
  21. It was a joke, reread teh text and see that Jesus says he doesn't drink at all, then he says "I only drink Milwakies Best light, come on that is hilarious. Clearly tongue and cheek, or are you guys that mentally infantile? Did you miss it? As for Chan that was a joke too he is just so full of himself. But feel free to flame since its all you have to do in between watching porn previews and playing .02/.04 on stars.
  22. Gregg (Detroit): Do you ever have a beer during the early rounds of a tournament?Chris Ferguson: Never. I never drink and I have never drank in a tournament.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cody (Minneapolis): Poker can be a slow game if your not in many hands, do you guys get bored like the rest of us?Chris Ferguson: Yeah, occassionally.Chris Ferguson: But never in the later rounds.Johnny Chan: I get bored when I'm losing!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tony (Minneapolis, MN): Chris, love those Milw
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