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Everything posted by AKProdigy

  1. I think you have to fold or raise on turn, and given your weak kicker with the 2nd pair, I'd fold.
  2. I fold, unless he's a complete donk he has an ace.
  3. Hand 6 obv.Hand 7.. I don't know I didn't mind the play. The turn bet I think should have been larger with the Ace as a scarecard. I think you got lucky on that one.Hand 8... I'd raise pf.Everything else seems find
  4. Raise more on turn.As played, it's tough. Seeing as how he led out on the flop and turn, I can't see him having a hand that beats you, other than 9sAs. I would probably call.
  5. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t50 (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)CO (t2205)Button (t1655)Hero (t835)BB (t1350)UTG (t1665)MP (t1290)Preflop: Hero is SB with K , A . 1 fold, MP calls t50, CO raises to t100, 1 fold, Hero raises to t250, BB calls t200, MP folds, CO calls t150.Flop: (t800) 4 , 6 , 5 (3 players)Hero ?BB is loose-passive. Chased a gutshot straight draw on flop and turn and hit it on the river against me maybe 5 hands ago (lost about 1k on that hand). CO is fairly loose.. usually limps into pots, (seen him 2x 3x bb
  6. I only have about 700 left if i call so I'm pretty much pot committed. IF I decide to go further in this hand I don't think calling and letting a K or A fall on the turn is a great idea. If I decide he's raising with nothing I have to push him out right now and not let him draw out on me... correct?
  7. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t50 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)MP2 (t3960)MP3 (t1125)CO (t1990)Button (t3080)SB (t2130)BB (t1205)Hero (t1885)UTG+1 (t1355)MP1 (t1500)Preflop: Hero is UTG with J , J . Hero raises to t200, 5 folds, Button calls t200, 2 folds.Flop: (t475) 3 , 3 , Q (2 players)Hero bets t300, Button raises to t900, Hero ?Completely new table, no reads whatsoever. Push or fold?
  8. Probably lol. I completely messed up this hand by playing too passive, was just wondering what you would do on the river as played.
  9. It's like it just hit me he bet 200 into a pot 1125 lol. I play low limits btw, so in comparison to a lot of other donks I see at the tables, he falls into the borderline solid category (which includes anyone who plays less than half their hands, and doesn't play overly weak-tight).
  10. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t200 (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)Hero (t11175)Button (t5365)SB (t2595)BB (t4460)UTG (t2120)MP (t1285)Preflop: Hero is CO with A , J . 2 folds, Hero raises to t600, 2 folds, BB calls t400.Flop: (t1125) T , 2 , 3 (2 players)BB bets t200, Hero calls t200.Turn: (t1525) 9 (2 players)BB checks, Hero checks.River: (t1525) J (2 players)BB bets t800, Hero ?Villain appears to be fairly tight, solid player. Have only seen him play approx 5- 6 hands.
  11. I probably would have folded as well. AK and any pocket pair is ahead, although it could have just as easily been AJ or AT. I don't know, it's tough when he was playing that aggressive. The payout structure is so top heavy as well... I'm not sure lol.
  12. lol @ the 6 8. dudes probably steaming now
  13. Just started watching the FTP FT. I missed the "best call I've ever seen". Anyone care to post the hand?edit: nvm found it
  14. folding aces preflop is +EV
  15. some real donk/aggressive play at your table recently lol
  16. PokerStars Game #9327280482: Tournament #46571315, $200+$15 Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIX (50000/100000) - 2007/04/09 - 00:17:04 (ET)Table '46571315 163' 9-max Seat #8 is the buttonSeat 1: dannythekid (2322008 in chips) Seat 2: Boxster S (2720247 in chips) Seat 3: arulx (3220210 in chips) Seat 4: toetagU (3002000 in chips) Seat 5: weenormie (3056153 in chips) Seat 6: --PaTcHy87-- (3297615 in chips) Seat 7: Stimpy444 (1098614 in chips) Seat 8: MEA1 (1366080 in chips) Seat 9: rdtedm (2559700 in chips) dannythekid: posts the ante 10000Boxster S: posts the ante 10000arulx: posts the ante 10000toet
  17. My first instinct would have been high PP. Weird play with 8 9 unless he put you on a steal. Tough laydown there, don't really know.
  18. Just started railing. Tough runner runner with the made straight.Edit: TB your from sauga? take it down lol
  19. Maybe a raise to 50-60K pf. Definitely call on the flop. If its trips, bad luck. I have a feeling it was AK/AQ clubs though lol.
  20. Agreed. If he has TT thats just bad luck. Anything else that beats you and hes a donk. Call.
  21. Thanks for the replies.I actually think folding was probably the best play here thinking back on it, although calling isn't so bad either. I'd put the Button on 10 10+, AQ+, so I'm about a 3-2 dog there. Is that too weak-tight?
  22. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t50 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)CO (t1405)Button (t1445)Hero (t1500)BB (t1435)UTG (t2112)UTG+1 (t1280)MP1 (t1315)MP2 (t1430)MP3 (t1578)Preflop: Hero is SB with J , J . UTG calls t50, UTG+1 raises to t100, 1 fold, MP2 calls t100, 2 folds, Button raises to t300, Hero raises to t650, BB calls t600, UTG calls t600, UTG+1 raises to t1280, MP2 folds, Button raises to t1445, Hero ??Fairly loose passive table (until this hand at least). Button seems like a solid player, no real read on UTG+1. Am I com
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