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Everything posted by HangukMiguk

  1. Also update: Moved to Canada, working in tech, have a house, no longer married (thank ****ing jeebus).
  2. HangukMiguk

    The Hideout

    No, it's the gay stuff.
  3. HangukMiguk

    The Hideout

    Why can't I quit this place. I feel like I've asked this before.
  4. HangukMiguk

    The Hideout

    Well, update: Currently living in Korea, preparing to get divorced from my psychotic ex, and weighing my next steps. Playing hockey and SF5 in my free time. Actually probably at my happiest point since I was like 7.
  5. Will I get a copy of the Bluray of this with my signed copy of Stacked?
  6. HangukMiguk

    The Hideout

    God damn, sad that Chrozzo didn't make it to year ten. He had been silent on Facebook, and then I look to see he's gone tonight.
  7. HangukMiguk

    The Hideout

    Is there a top 10 list for this yet? I have to know.
  8. Stop talking like me, people are going to figure out that I'm your joke account.
  9. Just get a standalone rice cooker. 1.6 billion people can't be wrong.
  10. I need to borrow that for the day, I'mma have it back to you by the weekend.
  11. Napa: Melatonin would help. I've heard Magnesium + Zinc supplements will put you out easily, but I haven't tried it. A combination of the two may have people checking your pulse just to make sure.
  12. HangukMiguk

    The Hideout

    So, 0.0001% chance I'll ever quit this place? HOPEFUL
  13. And who is that one? Wait, why am I asking questions in my own thread? Did it again...FML
  14. HangukMiguk

    The Hideout

    How the hell did I end up back here?
  15. You give that noose to me now. I don't want to see BigD going soft. Ever.
  16. Dear Adrian, You may think this is where I tell you that you have yellow fever. On the contrary, this is where I tell you that you are gay and dreaming of filling your mouth with limp noodles. The only advice I can give for you is to stop listening to Cher. This may cause these feelings to diminish within a week or two. After that, I will demand that you stop watching Dancing With The Stars. Carlton can't save you.
  17. Will Bitcoin poker sites start to crop up? Yes Will the major sites start to accept Bitcoin? Probably not. I say probably not, but here's the thing. For Stars/Tilt/Party, what would be the chief reason they would get involved in what could possibly be a volatile digital currency over the next few years? To reach American players that can't have funds sent directly to them. And they are not about to put their necks back out there for the DOJ to chop off. Party will be in when online poker gets legalized immediately. Stars and Tilt will eventually get tossed in, but seeing as how they
  18. You whiny self-conscious prick, thinking your post count means something. What, your parents didn't love you enough that 10k posts means something? Go back to the farm club where you belong, loser! ...there, satisfied?
  19. Doyle going deep would be good for TV, good for the game. An (almost) 80 year old man, two-time world champion, 10 time bracelet winner, building a big stack in the biggest crapshoot tournament of the year. This is a landmark year. I hope he does really well, because sad as it is to say, he doesn't have too many years left to make runs anymore.
  20. Step away from the net, you'll miss reruns of Criss Angel's Mindfreak.
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