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Everything posted by jimmythang68

  1. Last time I played at venetian and bellagio and figured I couldn't go wrong with those this time. I will probably play 2-5. I have looked on those sites but was just looking for any insight from anyone that has recently been. Thanks for the response, I'll search and see if i can find any recent posts regarding this too.
  2. So it has been along time since I have been to the boards or posted but I figued someone would have responded to my other post but anyway.I am going to vegas Tue - Sat and staying at the Monte Carlo. I was looking at playing in one of the Bellagio $330 torunaments. Anyone play? How was it? How many people?It has been a few years since I have been. Where do you guys reccommend to play cash games? Any other advice, places to check out, things to do, best casinos for games and deals? Thanks
  3. I am going to vegas Tue - Sat and staying at the Monte Carlo. I was looking at playing in one of the Bellagio $330 torunaments. Anyone play? How was it? How many people?It has been a few years since I have been. Where do you guys reccommend to play cash games? Any other advice, places to check out, things to do, best casinos for games and deals? Thanks
  4. how'd it go down? It'll kinda be like you telling everyone what not to do.
  5. I haven't logged in in a long time but I had to just to say what the ****. I read through all that and still nothing. Come on Royal.....I know your blog said you are leaving Vegas for a little while. Just go for it, do something before you go.
  6. Its gonna be a good time. I will be there friday afternoon. Are you going to play in the sat tourney
  7. Heading to Tunica this weekend with some friends. We are staying at the goldstrike. Just thought I'd see if anyone is going to be down there? It seems like the horseshoe and goldstrike are having first Sat of the month tourneys with decent structures and starting stacks. If anyone is going hit me up and we can get some drinks.
  8. wow have you ever had a moment in your life where you want to hurt someone? Actually to rephrase, have you ever had a moment in your life where you had no response? I could claim to be stoned but I don't think that would cuse me to be this dumb. I never play on stars and he called and told me so I opened it up and never saw that it was free money. I just called him and threanted his life he is laughing his *** off. Flame away...
  9. Tourney # 41497848 2412 entrants his name is bjfromlex an he just moved up to eighth
  10. he just made final table, and can't even finish it
  11. thought about that but figured that somehow the chnge in IP would get noticed. Hes won about 5k so far and did't want to risk it
  12. My buddy called me about 2 hours agosaying he was playing in this. He said he was 2nd in chips and there were 150 more people to go. I decide to rail and he keeps his chips stack growing. At the break with 36 left he says he is going to grab something to eat and take a little bit of a longer break. He calls me 20 mins later and said his computer is offline and won't connect. So for the last hour or so he has been kept up to date by what I am watching and relyingover the phone (I live in a different town). There are 14 left and he is in 9th. First gets 151k. He said he called about the interne
  13. I work for SunTrust, and we sell Visa gift cards, I can't remember all the amounts but I think they go upwards of 500. Other banks may sell the, but I know we do. There is still the 3.95 fee though.
  14. I am not sure about the immediate area but poker at the stratosphere sucks unless you like sitting at a half full table playing 3/6. I stayed there but took a cab to the venatin (sp?) and the Mirage.
  15. I am not sure the format but I am getting the from Itunes. I am sure there is a way to convert them to mp3 but am not the one to ask about that.
  16. I have never listened to audio books but I have a long drive hom etoday and thought I'd download one to my ipod. I was thinking Play poker like the pros, ace on the river or Phil Gordons little green book. Which do you think is better and would want to listen to?
  17. The first part of the video pissed me off. I just kept thinking about how I would hurt someone. But the end was great I couldn't stop laughing, great revenge.
  18. You are right, for some reason I thought it was Gavin Smith.
  19. 1 I know not to post results. I am just wanting to know how would you play it on each street? 2. I just noticed that it said RING Game but its from the 12k on Full Tilt that started 35 minutes ago (it was the second hand). 3. You really think that I'd be asking this dumb of a question if I were playing 15/30...
  20. Full Tilt PokerNo Limit Holdem Ring gameBlinds: $15/$309 playersPre-flop: (9 players) Hero is BB with ah ad UTG calls, 4 folds, CO calls, Button folds, SB calls, Hero raises to $120, UTG folds, CO calls, SB calls.Flop: kd 4h 2d ($390, 3 players)SB checks, Hero bets $225, CO calls, SB folds.Turn: ts ($840, 2 players)Hero bets $500, CO calls.River: 8c ($1840, 2 players)Hero is all-in $655, CO calls all-in $595.Uncalled bets: $60 returned to Hero. Results:Final pot: $3030he had K8Ok I know not to post the results but do you push the turn? How would you play it differently? I know its good not to
  21. I haven't ever cheered on someone I don't know as much I am rooting for JC. Good luck man!
  22. not to hijack or anything but I am just starting the 25k double stack 6 max. The prize pool got up to 35k and there are 351 entrants. 36 pay
  23. I am in...same name. Already off to a bad start though.I am thinking about playing the 25k double stack that starts in 45 mins also.Anyone gonna play in it?
  24. Just wanted to say I am heading to Vegas. Gonna play some cards, do some drinking and have a good little vaction. If anything cool happens I'll let everyone know.
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