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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. I posted this already. $10 SnG I have Q10 1 other player in the hand. Flop comes AAQ, I make a pot size bet to see if he has the other A he just calls. Turn is an A giving me a full house. Figuring I now have the best hand I bet 150 (I think) and he again calls. River is a Q and the board looks like AAQAQ. I bet 300 and he moves all in. Shouldn't have called but my stack would have been crippled if I folded. I call with A's over Q's and he turns over AQ. My only reply was WOW.Duff
  2. If you don't see it listed here select other and then reply. I'm sure I missed a few real good ones.
  3. I'll have to check it out. I d/l it a while back but there were no play money games going. I ended up un-installing it, but if it's ready to go live I'll d/l it again.Duff
  4. Hope you don't think I was plagarizing(sp?) I honestly thought about it a while back and when I saw your post I figured it would be cool to see what the other members here feel. And I agree with you I would fold, although it would be real hard to do.Duff
  5. In that case would you mind backing me $10,000 for next years WSOP?
  6. Has anyone else noticed that the play at low limit tables has tightened up considerably? I was playing a $ 1/2 table the other night and it was not at all uncommon to see the table fold all the way around to the blinds, and there were even a few times that even after this happened the SB would fold also. Quite a few pots didn't get above $4. Guess everyone has started to do a little reading on the game of hold'em. Don't get me wrong a new guy as players rotated out there was still some maniacs who would sit down.Just an observation.Duff
  7. I had thought about posting this earlier then I saw a similiar post at Cardplayer. But what the heck I'll post it here anyway. 1st hand of the WSOP Main Event, you paid the $10.000 to enter. Your on the button. There's a raise and a re-raise from EP and MP the player to your right moves all-in. You look at your cards and you see :clubsa: :heartsa: What do you do?
  8. I agree with WRTO, this ws the first book I read, and it has helped me to get a good foundation for my game.Duff
  9. Welcome to the club my son. Duffeditor's note: BPV Isn't really my son!
  10. With the popularity explosion of poker and all of it's big stars becoming house hold names it unfortunatly opens up some scary doors. Everyone see's how much the top players make at a single tournament. Sadly I think that this won't be the last time we hear a story similiar to this. Especially considering some of the degenerates that we have all seen hanging out at the casinos that are always looking for a way to get cash quick. Luckily Raymer was able to defend himself, it helps that he is a large guy. But after they pulled a gun it would have been wiser to just hand over whatever money
  11. 15/30 TourneyTexasHTGameTable (NL) (Tournament 8261096) - Thu Dec 30 01:45:29 EST 2004Table Table 11565 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the buttonTotal number of players : 10Seat 1: White000 (475)Seat 2: vette98505 (1465)Seat 3: ginking (305)Seat 4: Schlep_rock (755)Seat 5: Duff_Man52 (925)Seat 6: blazedlove (880)Seat 7: psychotikal1 (930)Seat 8: jenna_fox (635)Seat 9: ahc98 (485)Seat 10: Alfie1 (1145)Schlep_rock posts small blind (10)Duff_Man52 posts big blind (15)** Dealing down cards **Dealt to Duff_Man52 [ Th, Qs ] blazedlove folds.psychotikal1 folds.jenna_fox folds.ahc98 calls (15)Alfie1 fo
  12. Just opened an acct. Mine is Duff_Man52 (same at Party) with the same pic as here. Haven't played any real money games yet. I played the .05/.10 games to try and get used to the interface. That's gonna take a while I think, I'm so used to Party that it's hard fo rme to follow who's turn it is to act.Duff
  13. Me neither. Was it just to see where your at? Also what was your read on this player? Was he a solid Tight/Aggressive player or was he mixing up his play. You can maybe come back over the top of him to see if he was just trying to push you out. But myself personally I would have checked the flop. There's always the chance he's made a set in which case your ahead after the turn. A lot depends on your reads of his play up to that point. Also heads up I would have re-raised him pre-flop you've probably got the best hand might be a race at that point and he might not want to take the chanc
  14. With the blinds that high move all in pre-flop. And never slow play your hand if there's a flush on the board, even if it's a monster. If I didn't move all-in pre-flop I'm sure as heck gonna after that flop to drive him out if he's on a flush draw. And if he calls anyways on just a flush draw then remember his name and sit down at every table he does cause your almost guarnteed to get your money back.Duff
  15. This isn't meant as a bragging post at all. But today I played my best single table Sng ever. It had a little bit of everything including luck. After the fifth hand I was the chip leader and I never let go of it. My reads were spot on which is rare for me, re-raised a guy with nothing when I sensed weakness (he folded), made a call with middle pair after the river when I felt he didn't have it (heads up). And dished out a bad beat on the final hand to win. I was the BB with 4500, he had 2500. Get dealt 77. Blinds were 200/400. He raised to 800. I took the advice others here had given
  16. Thanks for the replies, I'll open up an account with NetTeller tonight when I get home from work. It's gonna take me a while to get used to Stars interface, I d/l there software last night and played a few Play MOney hands. Just used to PArty I guess.
  17. Duff_Man

    Your Pets

    Please tell me you didn't win them in a poker game.
  18. What did everyone who opened up an acct. there use to deposit there money? I currently have an acct. with Party but I used IGm E-Pay or whatever it's called and I don't believe that is an option at Stars. So if I want to make a deposit there I have to use another service. I'm not thrilled with the idea of giving out my bank acct. number to a second site but I may not have a choice. Granted it's an acct. that I don't really use anymore and it only has around $200 in it (it was my main acct before getting married). I'll probably go with Net Teller. Has anyone else used this and if so have
  19. Yeah what wrto said. Believe me if it were NL I would have made a substantial bet. I don't slow play hands online.
  20. This is only for online play at a torunament table where the same people have been playing for a while. I do play at lot of hands early when the blinds aren't very high, but I get out of those hands when I don't hit the flop or don't feel I have the best hand. I think that by having a tight table image late in a game it will be easier for you to bluff at a pot due to the fact that the rest of the players (if their paying attention) will realize I'm only playing premium hands and will be less apt to call a huge bet that I put in. I think that by having a loose image early people are more li
  21. Let me guess...Party Poker? I just dropped $50 in less then 1hour between a $1/2 limit table and a Max $25 no-limit table. The bad beats I suffered is enough to give me an anuerism. I can't even remember all of them cause I'm a little numb right now. Think it's time to take a little break. And maybe withdrawl all my money and put it into Poker Stars.
  22. Yeah that was one of the points I tried making in my post. I realize now that I should have figured he didn't have an 8 seeing as how he didn't re-raise me after the flop. It was a mistake on my part not taking the alotted time offered at Party, I tried to put him on a hand quickly and I guessed wrong. Luckily I did because even if I re-raised him I doubt he would have mucked it. I know I played the hand poorly, but luckily I learned from it, and that's a good thing. Plus I saved myself a couple of bets.
  23. I posted this in the bad beat section as a therapy aide for myself but I wanted to get everyones opinion. 10 person $1/2 limit ring game. I'm the BB and get dealt 23 off-suited. 4 ppl limp and I check. Flop comes 2 3 8. I bet $1 and get 3 callers. Turn is a K. I bet $2 and the next to act raises to $4, remaining 2 fold and I call. My questionshould I have re-raised him to $6 or just call like I did. At the time I thought he might have K 8 for the top 2 pair. Looking back seeing as how he didn't re-raise me after the flop I should have realized he wasn't holding an 8. The river is a
  24. So I'm playing a $1/2 ring game at Party. I'm the BB and get dealt 23 off-suited. 4 ppl limp and I check. Flop comes 2 3 8, I bet $1. 1 folds and 3 others call. Turn is a K. I bet $2 and the next to act raises it to $4. Other 2 players fold and I call. i probably should have re-raised but I thought he might have K8 (mistake not re-raising?) River is a Q and I check figuring he will bet and I would just call hoping to win the pot. He bets I call and he turns over KQ. Not betting after the river saved me $2 but man was I ticked.This section of the forum can be quite therapuetic!Duff
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