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Everything posted by BaseJester

  1. I think you're saying that the First Amendment doesn't prohibit the government from making laws covered by its enumerated powers. And some Catholics' religious practice of foregoing birth control is protected by the First Amendment, because the government has no enumerated power for forcing them to.Right?What if I have religious practice of pedophilia? Are laws against pedophilia unconstitutional? Why not? Because there is no good answer to this, I don't think a First Amendment challenge to Obamacare has merit. I.e., the First Amendment doesn't prohibit the government from outlawing any a
  2. How about a hospital not providing education? Don't they care? Think of the children!
  3. The government is compelling the Church's behavior. The church isn't compelling their employees' behavior. Yes. For the same reason it's OK for a Jehovah's Witness plumber not to offer blood transfusions.
  4. Does Georgetown's health student health insurance cover the cost of birthing a child?
  5. I really hate dealing with insurance companies, so it's really foreign to my mindset to want to insure myself against the risk of my sexual plans coming to fruition. It's the same reason I don't want food insurance.
  6. I'm sure their customer's reactions are more important than their own analysis of the transcript. I personally agree with Rush's position on this issue, but I think his comments here are childish name-calling. American taxpayers enabling her sex life with partners of her choice doesn't make her a prostitute. It's a non sequitur.The libertarian argument is this: Why is it the government's role to infringe on a person's freedom to save his or her own money by abstaining?
  7. Your point stands. It's a lot bigger.
  8. I figure this:D1 = 400mD2 = 10 kmD2 / D1 = R2 / R1 = 10 km/ 140m = 71R2 = 71R1V = (4/3)(pi)r^3V1 = (4/3)(pi)(R1^3)V2 = (4/3)(pi)(71R1)^3V2/V1 = 71^3 = 357,911I think you left off the 4/3 pi factor from the smaller asteroid but included it for the big one.
  9. For the record, are we meant to take this as your actual position or as a parody of your opponent's?
  10. Yeah, nobody says that, but they don't support the things necessary for that goal, e.g. nuclear power and public transportation investment.
  11. Nobody has to invent terms like gardenist to differentiate the ordinary gardeners from the extremist gardeners, because there's no problem with extremist gardeners.
  12. I think all he was going for is a comparable loss of jobs and the effect on the economy as a whole. You're not worried about having enough cars, right? The whole rescue is a supply-side argument.But while we're trying to find a parallel, how about the aircraft industry at the end of WWII? That would be a huge decrease in demand (much larger than the auto industry was facing). I think it would be fair to say that it was a rough transition, like the auto bailout was meant to avoid, but not ultimately a disaster to the US economy as a whole.
  13. This sounds like you are saying that there is excess capacity devoted to building cars that was about to be diverted by market forces, but luckily the government stepped in to make sure that GM continued producing cars. Right?
  14. This is an argument for propping up multinationals?
  15. I agree, but I refuse to let, "It's not dumber than invading Iraq; therefore, let's do it," be the standard for Federal policy.
  16. The gospels are not transcriptions of everything that happened around Jesus in his life. We don't see him go poop by the river just because "the cameras are rolling".When the author of the gospel tells us that the woman is Greek, but doesn't tell us her hair color, it means that it is important to his point that the woman is Greek. It's absurd to suggest an author who wants to obscure his meaning by leaving out the facts you need to understand the story. It's the informational equivalent of God putting fake dinosaur bones in the earth to test your faith.
  17. BRIAN: Ohh. Look. There was this man, and he had two servants.ARTHUR: What were they called?BRIAN: What?ARTHUR: What were their names?BRIAN: I don't know. And he gave them some talents.EDDIE: You don't know?!BRIAN: Well, it doesn't matter!ARTHUR: He doesn't know what they were called!BRIAN: Oh, they were called 'Simon' and 'Adrian'. Now--ARTHUR: Oh! You said...EDDIE: Ohh.ARTHUR: ...you didn't know!BRIAN: It really doesn't matter. The point is there were these two servants--
  18. He's probably a Republican.Are you considering basing a religion on this particular individual?
  19. By reading the verses, in which Jesus specifically explains himself: "Of Israel" is not a hair color or gender or shingle style. You have to hypothesize an author who is actively hostile to his readers knowing what the hell he is talking about to even entertain the notion that the verses would contain irrelevant details (the woman's origin) but leave out other details that are vital to understanding the message.You could certainly argue that "of Israel" is a political distinction, but I think that is also splitting hairs on which sort of prejudice his statement represents.
  20. If I'm reading this information right, the US government invested $50 billion in GM stock.On Yahoo Finance, I see GM's market cap at $42 billion.I would call that losing $8 billion.Are these numbers right? Does preferred stock get counted in market cap?
  21. I challenge you to find a set of reasonable answers that makes the story not demonstrate racism. E.g., how might the time period really affect the conclusion? Is there a time in history when dogs are revered and health care an insult?
  22. Which Republicans are arguing that? I didn't get that impression from the article. I would think that the UAW and bondholders would rightfully be creditors and receive some fraction of their due, but not the stockholders.
  23. If they were in danger because of a cash flow problem, then people would invest. Then they wouldn't have a cash flow problem.
  24. I'm not saying that, obviously. The greater good has nothing to do with your argument about long-term profitability. A government agency's willingness to invest other people's money says very little about profitability.
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