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Everything posted by PatO'Brien

  1. Hire a hooker. Lets go crazy. Get some coke.
  2. Superfluous Weiner is right. I'd love it if my girlfriend fucked Jeter.
  3. Can love save the Olsen twins?What was Britney thinking?
  4. User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)3 Members: PatO'Brien, theresa113, grocery_monyI'm so fuckin into you
  5. http://www.gambling911.com/Did-Yankees%20D...pes-081107.htmlDid Yankees Derek Jeter Give Jessica Alba Herpes?Ever since Jessica Alba disclosed that she had herpes, news has spread like wildfire (and hopefully, not like herpes) that Yankees star Derek Jeter could be the suspect. The stories have been circulating for the past few days.An AOL Fan House blog entry mentions that a representative from LARagMag.com appeared on the The Adam Carolla Show and disclosed the following:Jessica Alba (before she was Jessica Alba) used to date Derek Jeter, the serial celebrity dater, who plays for the NY Yank
  6. Silly boy. I already have that information. http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...p;#entry1891041
  7. I used to work at a factory where they made hydrants; but you couldn't park anywhere near the place.
  8. Paging FWP to General. FWP to General please.
  9. Hire a hooker. Let's go crazy. Get some Coke. I wanna watch you and Betsy make out.
  10. Daniel, you have to pay attention to Betsy. Let's have some fun.
  11. You HAVE to be into Betsy, but lets have some fun.
  12. Screaming and hysterical. Paris ordered back to jailRosie O'Donnells tearful confession behind the scenes.What was Britney thinking?
  13. Glitz, glamor and mayhem. Paris ordered back to court.Lindsay Lohan in trouble again.Can love save the Olsen twins?
  14. No, a man of my intelligence would never do such a thing. I can travel through time and read minds. I have bigstack1980s account info and on July 22 I will prove it.
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