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Everything posted by rivergirl

  1. i'm at my 2nd 2.20 180 ft in the last hour. I got 2nd the first time.currently 7/9could use a fcp railtourney #189716048
  2. there are strat forums that are great....do alot of reading and gl to u
  3. did you sit down with only $40, really? If you didn't and you just lost a few bucks off your buy-in, you really should've topped up or left. I would never sit at a table without enough money to play a good hand effectively.
  4. watching this on network television is useless...tbh, you get everything late and they only let you see what they've edited for you to see, therefore i find it completely biased. BBAD is the greatest thing ever. If you really want to know what's going on.....sorry i can't get spoiler to work, and don't want to ruin it for everyone.you can pm me, i'll give you website that i use for livefeed updates....
  5. i'm willing to bet the olg won't be far behind this...
  6. playing the 1/4 mil for the first time in forever......hopefully i don't remember why i stopped playing it.gl everyone!!
  7. i was gonna say "our" age group, until i realized i'm in the one above. 35 in octoberwow, that even sounds scary i think i'll just say 25 then, that sounds better.
  8. finally....http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...sp&c_id=mlbhopefully this is the bat we need.
  9. rivergirl

    A Confession

  10. rivergirl

    The Hideout

    i still can't believe that this place died off so quickly it seems.but i refuse to let that happen REFUSEmaybe if there was more celebrities posting here, we could turn the place around.
  11. rivergirl

    A Confession

    Don't be offended because someone thought you were a joke account. You have to look at your post count, which i think is like 10-15 and the fact that you've probably posted in this thread about 5-6 times. Usually people with small post counts speaking out in mega threads = joke account.
  12. i have issues with using my credit cards online to begin with..(i'm just not that trusting of it)I use a prepaid M/C to fund, i wonder if this will still work?
  13. and i'm out, ty for stakeAJ<A9
  14. i know i could've played this differentlyi just can't believe how often this happensPokerStars Game #31719837157: Tournament #187828521, $4.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2009/08/17 0:10:51 ETTable '187828521 19' 9-max Seat #4 is the buttonSeat 1: runway69 (4785 in chips) Seat 2: tommyman851 (1265 in chips) Seat 3: SlayerLegend (1110 in chips) Seat 4: dj232 (1145 in chips) Seat 5: rivergirl (2895 in chips) Seat 6: xtwist3dx (1635 in chips) Seat 7: Martin_26111 (3055 in chips) Seat 8: Drugo 24 (160 in chips) Seat 9: Lebigbeusse (3300 in chips) rivergirl: posts small blind 2
  15. rivergirl

    The Hideout

    http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...w_post&f=143 User(s) are reading this topic (1 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)2 Members: rivergirl, chrozzo<3<3<3
  16. rivergirl

    The Hideout

    i really enjoyed the july we had (although most people complained). so far, aug has been HOT well, at least what i have seen of it. (i work all day, and it's hot at work to begin with, so it's hard to tell). July was pretty mild tho, shorts and tees, but jeans at night was comfortable.
  17. PokerStars Game #31719219707: Tournament #187828521, $4.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2009/08/16 23:43:33 ETTable '187828521 19' 9-max Seat #4 is the buttonSeat 1: runway69 (2375 in chips) Seat 2: johnymac111 (1310 in chips) Seat 3: SlayerLegend (2285 in chips) Seat 4: dj232 (2200 in chips) Seat 5: rivergirl (1160 in chips) Seat 6: xtwist3dx (1610 in chips) Seat 7: Martin_26111 (3040 in chips) Seat 8: Drugo 24 (2590 in chips) Seat 9: Lebigbeusse (1440 in chips) rivergirl: posts small blind 15xtwist3dx: posts big blind 30*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to rivergirl [Ad 6c]Martin_26
  18. rivergirl

    The Hideout

    my best advice is, if you are a person who is normally indoors during most of they day, DO NOT spend an entire day outside when it's 95 degrees, in a pool without constantly lathering yourself with sunblock. just because the shit says waterproof, don't believe it
  19. reg in the next one starting 187828521 i believei'll post hhs tooty again
  20. gl to horsies and to you too sir
  21. rec'd, tyready to go just let me know where
  22. i'm in playing mode tonight and will gladly accept one if you have nobody else in mind.rivergirl (windsor)i haven't had a stake in forever, hopefully i can run good for you
  23. rivergirl

    A Confession

    i don't get it...what was the purpose of it to begin with? I'm not one of the people who could've been possibly hurt by the whole thing, but i'm sure there are some on here that very well could be. And i wouldn't be surprised if they were really upset. if this was one of those human reaction type experiments, and a fake account i think you might have been better off just letting it die and not outing yourself.i do have questions tho, rose pm'd me with her name and cell number, she was staying at CW. I called CW and they gave me her room. There was coincidentally someone staying there unde
  24. he's not underage. But i did read somewhere that playing a game with him takes a very long time.
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