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Everything posted by Pack149

  1. The thing is, I have been to Vegas a couple of times. I have never been to Atlantic City. Since this is such short notice, my options are somewhat limited. Is it really worth paying the extra to go to Vegas?
  2. Always is when your a college student
  3. Here is the deal. At the last minute (thankfully before I signed the lease tomorrow) half of my group for Spring Break backed out on our beach trip. This leaves the rest of us hanging since we all cant afford the house on our own. Thus, the trip has been canceled. I am trying to decided between Vegas and Atlantic City. On one hand, I love Vegas, but Atlantic City would be a third of the price, and the WSOP circuit is up there next week. I have no idea what I am going to do. Any opinions/suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  4. Not in. Extremely busy week ahead, so I have to get started today
  5. Full Tilt has set up a page to track the challenge
  6. Out. F six max.GL to those left
  7. 5,255 at the first break. An extremely up and down first hour
  8. I forgot how much I hate 6 max
  9. Just won a satellite into the 6 max. GL all
  10. Scott, I am still a maybe for both. I have to figure out what I am going to do after graduation first
  11. Thanks for the input guys. I havent made any solid plans yet, but I think I am going to be there from Tuesday to Saturday, not sure yet though.
  12. My spring break plans are falling apart, and I am now thinking of going up to Atlantic City to play in a few of the World Series prelims. Any one ever played in these? Input would be appreciated
  13. I was wrong. JJ<99 on a 977 flop. GL, one of you please take this one down
  14. Weeeeee. Was able to satellite in saving me a complete buy in. GL all, you are playing for second
  15. You sure they are not just screwing with your head?
  16. In. This is quite a stretch for my bankroll, so I am trying to satellite my way in. Even if I dont win a seat, I am still playing.GL all
  17. QFT. As someone who wen through Steves training and someone who has had a PXF subscription, there is a HUGE difference in what is on training sites and what Steve teachesEdit: If anyone has questions for someone who has been through the training, you are more than welcome to PM me
  18. My buddy just sent this to me, sorry Mark
  19. Was going to play, but I had an exam moved from Tuesday to tomorrow. OutIts been one of those days
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