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Everything posted by Zeatrix

  1. Yeah, I know what you mean. But you need to understand one thing, I'm neither democratn or republican. I do however recognize that both parties do good and bad things (according to me) and I will gladly admit that I somewhat favor democrats. On the other hand, I think your governor is doing an excellent job, with my limited knowledge of internal Californian affairs.But, you have to agree that when you first see a text that describes Bush's house in extreme detail and how good it is and then see a text that basically says nothing about the other house, except how bad it is, that the text isn't
  2. I haven't seen the effects with my own eyes, but I'm still trying to do something about it. Read my third quote in my sig btw...
  3. No, I'm not surprised that a 20 room house that is partially used as the office for two people consumes A LOT more than a 4 room building that is rarely used by people. Besides, all the energy consumed on the Gore mansion is produced by wind or solar power... :DBesides, where did you find that text, let me guess it was kind of right-slanted
  4. Wow, that post was excellent, when I read scram's first post i was going to write a post about the moons pull and so forth but you wrote it so much better than I could ever have done.Your post also brings one vital human trait to attention. We all too often dismiss a theory because we know of one other theory that in itself disproves that the first theory could be correct. All too often this is wrong.Scram was right. If it was that fluid dynamics all by themselves decided where water is placed then he would be right, but he forgot that changing gravitational pulls also affects it.This very phe
  5. I rarely play live.But I did see a player check a straight flush on the button on the river about a week ago, online
  6. This is an easy re-pott. Expect to see kings once in a while but not nearly enough to make it a bad move.
  7. I try to bring down one illusion at a time...
  8. LOL, yeah, the US is a GREAT example of how well medicine prices can be. You've only got the most expensive medicines in the world
  9. Your views have one major flaw. There is no such thing as Satan, it's a human fictional creature created by man to scare the common man into thinking his "wrong" actions are at the bidding of a evil creature. Relax, he doesn't exist!
  10. *Where is the delete post button when you need it*
  11. Well I agree with you and I don't. I know it hasn't been proved scientifically that it is biological (for example, pointing out the gene) BUTDo you seriously think people choose to be gay, considering societies historical response to homosexuals??? I am as sure as one can be without scientific proof that it's not something you make a conscious decision about. I think you make a conscious decision about whether you want to explore that tendency but not that you have that tendency or not. That is what humanity has learned over the last 2000 years, that is what the mortal men did not understand 2
  12. I found one part very DUMB.There was an implication that homosexuality is a sin. Although DN clearly states its absurd that it's a big time sin I can not comprehend how someone can have such outdated views as to consider it a sin.I thought sins very tendencies you can have control over. Homosexuality is not something you choose, it's what you are born into. I thought humanity had come a little further in understanding things such as this over the last 2000 years.Seriously, considering homosexuality a sin is like considering people born with a handicap sinners. People need to start to realize t
  13. Yeah, if I was the one sitting across the table I'd have a fork in my neck, right? :DThe thing is, you live in comparatively enormous wealth compared to 95% of the worlds population. I don't feel a bit bad for you if you have to pay 5% more tax...
  14. Well yes statistics doesn't say it all, but, you don't come close to us :DFirst we have employment tax: 32% this is what the employer pays in tax, so 100:- to employee means 32:- in tax from company to government.Then we have municipal income tax: 30-33% depending on where you live, 100-30=70:-Then we have state income tax for those that make enough 20-25%, you would probably be in 25% 100*0,25=25, 70-25=45:-Then we have 25% sales tax so for the 45:- you pay to buy something 45*0,20=9:- is further taxes. (20% of the price we pay on something we pay is sales tax, which equals 25% on the price b
  15. 1. Correct and 2. reasonable...the man was an awesome leader and we neeeeeed someone like him again!!! Where are you Nuet...LOL i am kidding about that.That was my very point! If Reagan were alive and he indeed, like you said, was correct, he'd acknowledge the fact that global warming is problem that needs to be dealt with. Your views would probably be different then...Gore was the stupid part of the Clinton years...the same years that we are still paying the price for today. Had slick Willie not buried his head in the sand for 8 years many of the international problems wouldn't be as large or
  16. Then you obviously haven't followed this thread :DI've spent hundreds of hours reading papers, articles, watching books and documentaries. I've spent almost as much time reading "the opposite view" as the "sanctimonious-exemplifying environmatl fascism".I watched An Inconvenient Truth, I watched The Great Global Warming Swindle. I read realclimate.org, I've read global warming denier websites.Do I have a climatology degree? No. But I do have enough knowledge of biology/chemistry to understand most of the concepts. Enough knowledge to know the difference between meteorology and climatology, you
  17. Yeah, and denying global warming is made up to boost other agendas:1) Keep increasing short term profits2) Keep people buying oil3) Give deniers attention4) Give ignorant people like you an excuse for wasting resources and dumping our mistakes on future generations.
  18. I guess you are being a little funny, but the sad part is that people ACTUALLY think like that.The whole "if everyone else ain't doing it, why should I" mentality that a big part of the worlds population inhibit is so scary to me that I sometimes crawl up in a corner and shake uncontrollably. On another positive note: Recently I've been seeing A LOT of hybrid cars (mainly Priuses) driving around in Sweden. I guess they must be selling fairly good, which is encouraging. Ethanol cars are also growing in popularity.My dream car for sure would be a hybrid car that runs on 100% ethanol, that'd be s
  19. I'm sure this debate is strictly for how Americans will view Bush in 10-20 years.Just thought I'd add that in many other parts of the world he WILL be seen as the warmongering anti-environment person some in the states think.But I know you don't care about what the rest of the world thinks, so nevermind
  20. James Hetfield of Metallica was brought up in a Christian home, so my best answer would be Metallica!
  21. I will, but not right now. I'll get back to you.
  22. I agree, he's both right and wrong.What makes it a "main" greenhouse gas is the fact that human activity releases it in such large quantities.
  23. I'd say it's not only the states that are like that, IMHO Europe is going the same way, you have just perfected it a little more
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