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Everything posted by gary21212121

  1. Lets pretend Deeb does have a big hand and for that reasons doesnt call for a floor. Isnt it possible for DN to pick up some infomation based the fact that a majority of people would ask for a floor ruling after an obv. string raise
  2. I think the problem is that you believe that everyone is going to play every street perfect.
  3. i play it the same. 3betting pre is fine but so is flatting. i call river as played.
  4. PotomophobiaSTFU dude. You are a falking retard and have no idea what your talking about you peice of shiit. Go choke on a donkey dick you faggot. I hope a plane falls on your house.
  5. gogogogo Wandigogogogo21212121212112
  6. lol i suck todaytwo tourneys left1. $11 freezeout on stars 2. $26 KO on FTP-$694 today
  7. in a bunch of MTTs todayglglglgl all
  8. At the FT of $20 1R1A on Stars6/914k10k8k...
  9. 8/19 in 20 1R1A14k for first
  10. Thank you Stars for offering me a time bankPokerStars Game #30916996338: Tournament #180540314, $20+$2 Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIII (5000/10000) - 2009/07/26 19:27:44 CT [2009/07/26 20:27:44 ET]Table '180540314 104' 9-max Seat #5 is the buttonSeat 1: BlackFourz (551350 in chips) Seat 2: Opperstoof69 (213604 in chips) Seat 3: pkbc (350727 in chips) Seat 4: mezyoureyez (198115 in chips) Seat 5: klotskop (187772 in chips) Seat 6: V.V.1974... (1270219 in chips) Seat 7: FrenchDawg (728633 in chips) Seat 9: Gary212121 (356893 in chips) V.V.1974...: posts small blind 5000FrenchDawg: posts big blind
  11. lol yea i have no clue how/why they do it
  12. 420k in the $22 1R1A. Sitting 5/47
  13. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet crush souls sir!!1!1!!!
  14. so gay wandigoi dunno how you do it week in and week out.
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