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Everything posted by Jam-Fly

  1. thats unf^cking believable !
  2. With the high intelligence on this thread I'm surprised no ones posted this suggestion:rob a bank
  3. When will it be out in europe ??
  4. 20euro on Arsenal @9-1come on you gunners
  5. used to play them on stars. but i find the 9 man ones better. if u just fold for the first round its usually down to 8, survive two more and its your normal 6man game only 3 get money
  6. heres a trivia questionwhich hand ahs won the world series main event the most ?is it J-9 ? or 10-2 ? or some other legit hand like 88 or KQ (or 73, lol)
  7. When i first read i thought i had the complete wrong concept and thought that DN was playing and ''took a walk with them'' meant beat them for their chips, but obviously that wasnt the case.Maybe they both had an emergency, but they could just explain that.Marked card, very interesting.....Publicity stunt, yeah, seems very realistica 'settlement', nah i dont think so. theres isnt settlements in any other tournaments.TWO players walk away coz theyre short stacked in a big tournament broadcasted on TV, doubt it. Maybe one moody person, but im sure they would have fought on with a short stack and
  8. Go golfing, if ur not gona get fired, who cares. So long as theres no long term concequences.............
  9. I quite like the rebuy tournaments. Coz with freezeouts, once you get in the money, you have a load more places to go up before you make sufficent money, sometimes cashing in a $3 tournament and just cashing makes it worth while. Otherwise, the 9 man SNGs are good. generally its down to 8 after the first 5 hands.
  10. Well, when im 3 handed, i play for 1st, but often im short stacked and lose a race for all my chips or something
  11. well, i once signed up for a OMaha hi-lo $3.40 turbo, instead of hold em, but nothing as big as that
  12. Whats the best way to play these. I'm quite good at the 3paying 9man tables. But if only one gets money (or a ticket, if its a satelitte) whats the best way to play ? My aim for the normal SNGs is to cash, which often means i finish 3rd.Btw, im new to posting in the strategy forums, so if theres one of these written already, just let me know
  13. only joking dudetheyre $6.50 turbos. 2 SNGs at once and 2 SNGs and 2 25c/50 Razz games (on Full TIlt) on my second monitor
  14. Logically, theres no fucing way you shud play 1/2 with a <$1000 for a living, no way! But, your a student, not a big deal if you go broke, and if you win big, great, you can think seriously about turning pro, if you lose, big deal, you go get a job. After all, its not like you ahve 4 mouths to feed, a daughter that needs braces, a mother in a retirement home and a father that needs an extra kidney.btw, i make about $800 a week playing $3.40 turbos on stars
  15. yeah. a guy went out just after me 2, and there was a super short stack on the other table
  16. ive been gettin lots of small pp
  17. thanks all28 left, blinds 15/30k, i got 500k
  18. Come rail me if your bored or whateverthe names bennie-fly
  20. We'd all act of turn, overbet the pot at all oppurtunities etcthe funniest play ever was when i had like 8-10 or something. on the turn i have no pair. i bet real big, i get a call. river is a blank, i bet really big, the guy calls, i meekly turn over 8-10, the other guy goes ''**** it, I thought you bluffing, 7-high!''I also thought i could beat anyone coz i saw the pros on tv, lol
  21. Basically, theres a $24 tournament on, a satelitte to a $500 event, if i win a seat in the $500 event can i get 500tournament dollars or something or do i have to play in the tournament
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