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Everything posted by Smacciemac

  1. Sorry Man.. thought it was time for us to get some eye candy for a change :DNot that I mind seeing the pictures of beautiful ladies.. I can always appreciate them too
  2. Thanks, Sharon. (Anybody besides me always hear this in Ozzy's voice when you type it?)Tennis mostly. I'm addicted to it.I found out I was diabetic and it scared me. I knew it was coming. My mom and both her parents are diabetic so I knew it was just a matter of time before my pancreas stopped working too but once it actually happened it scared the crap out of me.Oh, and I also got off the birth control pills. That helped a little.Hehe I get that ALOT Shhhaarrooonnnn!!!!Thats great that you did it the healthy way.. I wish I was able to do it that way but just couldn't .. So MY Confession
  3. Niiiice!!drinks beer, cheap date, and says Niiiice!! Umm seriously theres no way that Sharon and Norm are not going to hook up at least once this year. I'm JSYes I am divorced.. but I'm not available to hook up either **Watches that trip to Aruba go bye bye** :cry:
  4. Nawww hehe.. You can drink alcohol all you want.. You just get drunk 10x's quicker and become a cheap date A woman in my office had this done a couple of months ago. She doens't seem to be losing very much, though. Although, she eats constantly, but obviously just smaller proportions. It's odd, though, since she said that her "pouch" was only the size of like a plum. You'd figure you'd have to lose weight, right? Anyhow, glad it worked for you and you're doing well. I know it's a dangerous surgery.Maybe she didn't have the full gastric bypass? Maybe she got like the lap Band or something
  5. Thanks, Sharon. (Anybody besides me always hear this in Ozzy's voice when you type it?)Tennis mostly. I'm addicted to it.I found out I was diabetic and it scared me. I knew it was coming. My mom and both her parents are diabetic so I knew it was just a matter of time before my pancreas stopped working too but once it actually happened it scared the crap out of me.Oh, and I also got off the birth control pills. That helped a little.Hehe I get that ALOT Shhhaarrooonnnn!!!!Thats great that you did it the healthy way.. I wish I was able to do it that way but just couldn't .. So MY Confession
  6. Thanks, Sharon. (Anybody besides me always hear this in Ozzy's voice when you type it?)Tennis mostly. I'm addicted to it.I found out I was diabetic and it scared me. I knew it was coming. My mom and both her parents are diabetic so I knew it was just a matter of time before my pancreas stopped working too but once it actually happened it scared the crap out of me.Oh, and I also got off the birth control pills. That helped a little.Hehe I get that ALOT Shhhaarrooonnnn!!!!Thats great that you did it the healthy way.. I wish I was able to do it that way but just couldn't .. So MY Confession
  7. Where'd you find that picture of me???(I only wish!! hehe)
  8. still here Want some cooties?
  9. Looks like a whole new ballgame. Judds gona be pissed let the sparks fly.Next weeks previews showed him all pissed off. That probably changed alot of things right about now. I think Lydia is going to make it pretty far. She sucks, but thats why they would keep her.. shes no threat until the final 2
  10. I feel like I got the cooties.. I come online and everyone left :cry:
  11. Whew!! I finally caught up!!Good Morning everyone!! Happy Friday! FINALLY!!You guys were busy last night!
  12. Thanks so much!! I missed it and they didn't replay it this week!!
  13. I also plan to do some heavy reading this weekend. I have much catching up to do!!
  14. Here in Idaho that is completely acceptable. That was a coffee spitter
  15. What did you say now?I wished cancer and polio on someone's unborn children and told the person he'll either die in a fire tonight or in a car accident tomorrow.Well done then. Now we just need to figure out how to actually make those wishes come true. That would be the nutz.Whiskey won't let me say things like that. I tried to use that line on a NWP idiot yesterday and Whiskey censored me.Whiskey - Sunshine gets to say it. Why can't I?Bluffs a cock. He knows it. We know it. It's ebmraced by all.You should have more class than that. I just think you should leave the kids out of it. Yo
  16. Ok I'm out of work for the night! yay one more day! See you all tomorrow
  17. You talk to your mother with that mouth??
  18. Its not exactly a quote but my favorite part of the whole thing is when the cat fries under the christmas tree hehe
  19. I was a temporary school secretary for a Special Education school in Jersey City. When the regular sectetary came back from disability I was sooo upset that I had to leave the school. All the kids made me going away cards. It was the sweetest thing ever..I'm sure you havent done your reading so you wouldnt know that my son was diagnosed with Autism when he was 2 but has fully recovered and now in a completely normal education setting.I did not know that, but I know all about it.. My Nephew is Autistic.. They have also learned in the past year that he is Epileptic. He has been having invisible
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