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Everything posted by bigkg

  1. Apparently I missed that Destroyer released a new album this year. I'm listening to it now, and it is really fantastic.
  2. If I remember correctly you start with a basic one, but you can buy an upgraded one purely for looks.
  3. If you make camp somewhere you have the option to fast travel to your destination from there.
  4. I've been listening to the debut album by Cults all day. It's a good summer record.And all the talk on this page about the Tune-yards has convinced me to download their newest album, and I'm liking it quite a bit. Groovy it is, Shake.
  5. Call of Duty to feature monthly subscription?
  6. 2001: A Space OdysseyA Clockwork OrangeAdaptationAlienAmelieApocalypse NowBeing John MalkovichBlade RunnerBlazing SaddlesBoogie NightsBrazilBreathlessChildren of MenChinatownCity of GodDr. StrangeloveEternal Sunshine of the Spotless MindFargoFull Metal JacketGoodfellasGroundhog DayInglorious BasterdsJawsKill BillMagnoliaMementoMiller's CrossingNo Country for Old MenNorth by NorthwestOffice SpaceOldboyOnce Upon a Time in the WestOne Flew Over the Cuckoo's NestPulp FictionRaging BullRequiem for a DreamReservoir DogsSeven SamuraiSpirited AwayTaxi DriverThe Big LebowskiThe GodfatherThe Godfather,
  7. "The Tree of Life" wins Palme d'Or at Cannes
  8. I also enjoyed How to Train Your Dragon, but I'm not sure it would crack my top ten.
  9. I'd say that went pretty well.Also:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ekg_vx0hmvkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQTlYUTt844
  10. Points For: OKCPoints Against: CHIPoint Differential: OKCRebound Differential: CHIEpic comeback
  11. NBA PLaybook: The Real Reasons Why Kevin Durant Didn't Get the Ball Late
  12. Fuck.The Bulls didn't play very well, and the refs certainly didn't help. Oh well.
  13. You should find someone to play co-op with in Portal 2. I found the puzzles to be much more interesting and challenging than the single player.
  14. Points for: ThunderPoints against: LakersPoint Differential: HeatRebound Margin: Bulls
  15. To be fair, Lolla has had some very good lineups over the past few years.
  16. For our PS3 users: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2011/04...been-stolen.ars
  17. I'll be getting Portal 2 later this week. I enjoyed the first one, so I am definitely excited.All this recent news about The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has gotten me re-interested in Obivion, so I've been playing that.
  18. So glad I didn't buy Lollapalooza ticketshttp://lineup.lollapalooza.com/
  19. Points For - ThunderPoints Against - BullsPoint Differential - HeatRebounding Differential - Magic
  20. It was on YouTube before but has been taken down only within the last hour or so. I was able to find it on MegaUpload though.
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