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On Tilt At The Wpt

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Daniel, do you ever think maybe you are trying to tell yourself something? When I look over the last few months of your blogs, it seems to me like you are a guy in dire need of a long vacation. Maybe, if you can afford a hiatus, you should just take one. Settle in to new house and marriage, do something different - you've been full steam ahead it seems like to me since you were an actual kid. Could you just really want a to take a year off andf not know how to justify that to yourself? You don't have to, you know. You just get to do what you like. Maybe I'm way, off but if we spend a lot of time shooting ourselves in the foot, it might be to slow ourselves down.

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Or he just played a hand real bad out of tilt, like we all do. Well, I do, many a week.
dammit, i was starting to feel inspiried by this thread until you came in and knocked me back to realitythanks a lot
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Or he just played a hand real bad out of tilt, like we all do. Well, I do, many a week.
QFT.DN writes a blog. A hundred armchair psychologists decide that they have the inside track on his psyche. Love - LOVE - the Wii. I'm addicted to tennis and bowling.
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Or he just played a hand real bad out of tilt, like we all do. Well, I do, many a week.
QFT.DN writes a blog. A hundred armchair psychologists decide that they have the inside track on his psyche. Love - LOVE - the Wii. I'm addicted to tennis and bowling.
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You don't have to be much of a psychologist, armed with chair or otherwise, to think maybe something is going on with a guy who is one of the great players in the world and keeps imploding at tournaments. Nor do you have to be Sigmund Freud to know that 90% of the post-ers here have more interest in Daniel staying around for their benefit, rather than him contemplate the idea of taking a break for his own. And finally, I am not the first to question what's going on. I don't know the guy, I post based on impressions from what he puts out there and how I interpret that. (It's a discussion forum.)Just remember as much as I don't know him; neither do you. And your own "diagnosis" that he's not in need of a change, is as much you playing shrink as anything I said. I didn't expect an answer, you know. I just wanted to express my concern.

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You don't have to be much of a psychologist, armed with chair or otherwise, to think maybe something is going on with a guy who is one of the great players in the world and keeps imploding at tournaments. Nor do you have to be Sigmund Freud to know that 90% of the post-ers here have more interest in Daniel staying around for their benefit, rather than him contemplate the idea of taking a break for his own.
Since November 2006, DN succeeded in getting the record for most consecutive WPT cashes and has won over $1 million. Not bad for someone who apparently keeps imploding in tournaments.
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Since November 2006, DN succeeded in getting the record for most consecutive WPT cashes and has won over $1 million. Not bad for someone who apparently keeps imploding in tournaments.
You gotta realize that most people who post on this forum expect Daniel to win a major tournament AT LEAST once every other month.If he doesnt succeed at that, then there's something wrong with him, or that he is so "2004" :club:
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QFT.DN writes a blog. A hundred armchair psychologists decide that they have the inside track on his psyche. Love - LOVE - the Wii. I'm addicted to tennis and bowling.
Aren't you an 'armchair psychologist' by making claims about what someone you deem an 'armchair psychologist' thinks and feels?Seems a bit hypocritical.
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Aren't you an 'armchair psychologist' by making claims about what someone you deem an 'armchair psychologist' thinks and feels?Seems a bit hypocritical.
Aren't you assuming he is an arm chair psychologist because he is assuming the arm chair psychologist is an arm chair psychologist?Whenever we point the finger, there are always three pointing back at us.
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Aren't you assuming he is an arm chair psychologist because he is assuming the arm chair psychologist is an arm chair psychologist?Whenever we point the finger, there are always three pointing back at us.
Of course, and It's only 1 finger. Difference is, I don't care.
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You gotta realize that everyone in the entire universe expect Phil Hellmuth to win a WSOP bracelet AT LEAST once every other month (even the months the WSOP isn't on).If he doesnt succeed at that, then there's something wrong with him, or that he is so "2004" :club:
Aren't you assuming he is an arm chair psychologist because he is assuming the arm chair psychologist is an arm chair psychologist?Whenever we point the finger, there are always three pointing back at us.
I'm getting tired off all these arm chair biophysicist telling us about our bodies
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