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I'm being paid right now to play a loose passive style. I'm at this table where these two guys (one of which i broke, so 1 is left) all he does is limp and pay me off by bluffing into me when i have a hand. The only downside is my AF is decreasing like crazy which sucks. But I've almost quadroopled my buy in which is well worth it although I hate this style i'm playing, it's the most profitable against a guy who wont fold and keep bluffing. I hate looking at PT bcuz my overall AF reduced to like 3.5 from 5.His VPIP is 86! and his PFR% is 4..........lol

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all he does is limp and pay me off when i have a hand. But I've almost quadroopled my buy in which is well worth it although I hate this style i'm playing, it's the most profitable against a guy who wont fold and keep bluffing.
I don't see what the problem is :club:
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