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Hey everyone - Thanks for advance for any help you guys can offer.I found out yesterday, although I still haven't been able to sleep, that my son has leukemia. Even worse, I do not have medical insurance. My main source of income over the years has been poker and selling on Ebay. But, while I have been profitable in both arenas, I do not play high stakes or make a tremendous amount of money. I make enough to survive, provide for my family, and live a somewhat comfortable life. But I don't have anywhere near enough money to handle a situation like this. Thus, I am hear not only to get some advice on what I should do to try to come up with money, but also to get some support. I am incredibly overwhelmed, but I have to keep pretending to be strong, just to keep some sort of order within my home. I know that if it were easy to come up with a lot of money, then everyone would do it. But, at this point, I need a miracle. My only thought is to pawn all of my personal possession (electronics, huge collection of basketball cards, football jerseys, an expensive watch that I have hardly used, etc) --- but I know nothing about pawning things. I would try to sell these things on Ebay, but people are looking for a deal on Ebay, and I would probably only get a couple grand for all these things, when it reality they are probably worth 15-20,000. I'm not sure if a pawn shop would be better... I'm not really sure of anything.Does anyone have any sincere ideas or words of wisdom.Thanks...

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ebay is your best bet for selling, pawn shops give you next to nothing.im sorry to hear about your child's disease..but it appears that you might be up s hit creek.. its unfortunate that the usa doesnt have a medicare system like canada, or else there would be nothing to worry about here

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Alright, if I go the the Ebay route, and sell everything else I have, I may be able to get $3,000 or so - if I am lucky. If it really comes down to it, I could probably sell my car, for $4,000 or so. But that still leaves me short for the initial PROJECTED costs. At that point, with no car or any valuable possessions, I would still be pretty scewed. Are there any other ways to make a lot of money quickly? I guess if there were, I would have heard about it........ I guess my questions don't really have answers.

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I'm desperate enough, that earlier I thought I could write a book in a week and then try to sell it..... I got 10 pages in, realized it sucked, and turned up posting here for other ideas. This is the worst feeling I have ever had. So powerless.

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Golf tournmaent, get your local community involved. Nothing would be better.Were'nt you just last month depositing like $50 to start your bankroll?Smelling fishy here

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Does anyone have any sincere ideas or words of wisdom.Thanks...
Pawn shops are definitely -ev... OK to sell scrap gold to, but that's about it.Check and see if your state offers any health related programs. I was listening to local radio this morning and heard that families with less than 36K annual income qualified for certain prescription benefits within the state I live in. Your state may offer something more or less.
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mmic - what state do you live in?The reason as I ask is because there are a few...not all unfortunetly, state health care systems that will provide insurance for children, when the parents can not afford any.I would suggest going to the following link and also calling the 1-800 number. They should be able to tell you more about being covered and if you are eligible.http://www.center4research.org/chip.htmlAlmost 11 million children across the country have no health insurance. For that reason, Congress passed a law in August of 1997, which provides health insurance for free or at a very low cost for millions of children nationwide. The program, called Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), offers health coverage to uninsured children whose families earn too much for Medicaid but find it difficult to afford private coverage. Unfortunately, many families that are eligible don't know about the program.Who is eligible?Each state has different eligibility rules, which also depends upon the number of individuals living in one household. The following guidelines for eligibility are typical of most states. Uninsured children 18 years of age and younger whose families earn up to:$23,200 for a family of two$29,269 for a family of three$35,300 for a family of four$41,340 for a family of five$47,372 for a family of sixIn addition, larger families qualify with even higher incomes.Can children in working families qualify?As you can see, Children's Health Insurance Program is not a welfare program. Many working families have children who are not covered by employer-sponsored health insurance or other private health insurance and therefore may be eligible if they earn less than the income listed above.What services does CHIP cover?For little or no cost, CHIP pays for doctor visits, prescription medications, hospitalizations, and much more depending on the state. Most states also cover the cost of dental care, eye care, and medical equipment.How much does the health insurance cost?The insurance is free for some families, and available at a very low cost for others. The costs vary depending on the state and your family's income, but when there are charges, they are minimal.Who pays for it?Your tax dollars pay for these state and federally sponsored programs.Who can apply for health insurance for my child?Parents, grandparents, and legal guardians can enroll children in their care for health insurance through CHIP depending on the state in which you live.What information do I have to provide in order to obtain health insurance for my child?You will have to provide information about your family's income and possibly show proof of that income, depending on the state in which you live. In addition, you might have to provide social security numbers for your children.Who can I contact to find out more information about my state's program and how do I apply?To find out more information or to apply, please call the toll-free hotline at 1-877-KIDS-NOW (1-877-543-7669). The person answering the phone will be a representative of the Children's Health Insurance Program in your state who can help answer any questions for you. In addition, they can send you an application and help you apply.

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How bout a real job with insurance?
Whoa, so you finished that time machine you've been working on? Sweet, he can just go back in time 12 months and land a job with family medical coverage.
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I'll try and offer some of advice from a medical standpoint. I'm not sure where you are from, but if you are from the U.S. there are a few great cancer centers that can offer lots of help. Despite the lack of money and insurance, these types of places don't simply let people die. By contacting some of these centers, they can provide you some guidance and options on how to get through a situation like this.The IU Cancer Center based in Indianapolis has been known as one of the top cancer facilities in the country. This is where Lance Armstrong received the majority of his treatment for testicular cancer.The doctor who is known as the world's premier expert in hematologic cancers is based out of Texas. I believe Dallas, but am not quite sure. I'm sure you can do some google work to find out what center he operates out of.Even though you do not likely have the money to pay directly for these types of treatments, cancer facilities are an excellent resource for trying to find ways to fund the payments for chemotherapy. Your primary concern shouldn't be trying to sell your valuables on eBay, it should be trying get with the right doctors and medical people to ensure that your son receives the best possible treatment. I know this advice seems awfully simple and trivial, but I hope it provides a good starting point.

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Check with your local hospital whether there are any nonprofits in your region that help with cases like this. There are so many people short on insurance that it's a longshot, but if they can get you more than your eBay proceeds, then it's worth it. Other sources of info: community foundations, churches, neighborhood fundraisers. Good luck.

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My main source of income over the years has been poker But, while I have been profitable in both arenas, I do not play high stakes or make a tremendous amount of money. I make enough to survive, provide for my family, and live a somewhat comfortable life.
lolllz troll alerthttp://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...p;#entry1703381
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Golf tournmaent, get your local community involved. Nothing would be better.Were'nt you just last month depositing like $50 to start your bankroll?Smelling fishy here
Yes, that was me. I have made my living playing live poker, at a local casino. I had tried online poker in the past, but hadn't had any luck... I gave it a shot again when I did my last post, but I ended up losing the $50 and decided that live was my best bet.As far as the golf idea goes, who would I call and talk to??Thanks
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mmic - what state do you live in?The reason as I ask is because there are a few...not all unfortunetly, state health care systems that will provide insurance for children, when the parents can not afford any.I would suggest going to the following link and also calling the 1-800 number. They should be able to tell you more about being covered and if you are eligible.http://www.center4research.org/chip.htmlAlmost 11 million children across the country have no health insurance. For that reason, Congress passed a law in August of 1997, which provides health insurance for free or at a very low cost for millions of children nationwide. The program, called Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), offers health coverage to uninsured children whose families earn too much for Medicaid but find it difficult to afford private coverage. Unfortunately, many families that are eligible don't know about the program.Who is eligible?Each state has different eligibility rules, which also depends upon the number of individuals living in one household. The following guidelines for eligibility are typical of most states. Uninsured children 18 years of age and younger whose families earn up to:$23,200 for a family of two$29,269 for a family of three$35,300 for a family of four$41,340 for a family of five$47,372 for a family of sixIn addition, larger families qualify with even higher incomes.Can children in working families qualify?As you can see, Children's Health Insurance Program is not a welfare program. Many working families have children who are not covered by employer-sponsored health insurance or other private health insurance and therefore may be eligible if they earn less than the income listed above.What services does CHIP cover?For little or no cost, CHIP pays for doctor visits, prescription medications, hospitalizations, and much more depending on the state. Most states also cover the cost of dental care, eye care, and medical equipment.How much does the health insurance cost?The insurance is free for some families, and available at a very low cost for others. The costs vary depending on the state and your family's income, but when there are charges, they are minimal.Who pays for it?Your tax dollars pay for these state and federally sponsored programs.Who can apply for health insurance for my child?Parents, grandparents, and legal guardians can enroll children in their care for health insurance through CHIP depending on the state in which you live.What information do I have to provide in order to obtain health insurance for my child?You will have to provide information about your family's income and possibly show proof of that income, depending on the state in which you live. In addition, you might have to provide social security numbers for your children.Who can I contact to find out more information about my state's program and how do I apply?To find out more information or to apply, please call the toll-free hotline at 1-877-KIDS-NOW (1-877-543-7669). The person answering the phone will be a representative of the Children's Health Insurance Program in your state who can help answer any questions for you. In addition, they can send you an application and help you apply.
I live in Oregon.
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Yes, that was me. I have made my living playing live poker, at a local casino. I had tried online poker in the past, but hadn't had any luck... I gave it a shot again when I did my last post, but I ended up losing the $50 and decided that live was my best bet.As far as the golf idea goes, who would I call and talk to??Thanks
It was $95Chamber of Commerce will help, bring the kid and the medical records
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Wow, if this is some sort of made up sob story to get something from someone here... I really hope you and your family all die.
Which would make his story true...so you would feel bad...see what I did there?
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Wow, if this is some sort of made up sob story to get something from someone here... I really hope you and your family all die.
Out of line. All I am asking for is advice... live poker and online poker are a lot different. I have played 3/6 limit for the past 5 years. But online, I have never been very successful. But since there are such a vast majority of different limits, I thought I'd try to figure it out and see if I could make some money out of it. Thus, I came looking for advice here. But I am really not interested in defending myself or anything like that. All I wanted was advice and a shoulder.
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Out of line. All I am asking for is advice... live poker and online poker are a lot different. I have played 3/6 limit for the past 5 years. But online, I have never been very successful. But since there are such a vast majority of different limits, I thought I'd try to figure it out and see if I could make some money out of it. Thus, I came looking for advice here. But I am really not interested in defending myself or anything like that. All I wanted was advice and a shoulder.
If you had "made a comfortable living" the past 5 years playing poker why would you randomly come to an internet forum asking what % of hands you should be playing and other basic newbie strategy questions?
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Out of line. All I am asking for is advice... live poker and online poker are a lot different. I have played 3/6 limit for the past 5 years. But online, I have never been very successful. But since there are such a vast majority of different limits, I thought I'd try to figure it out and see if I could make some money out of it. Thus, I came looking for advice here. But I am really not interested in defending myself or anything like that. All I wanted was advice and a shoulder.
If you have supported your family on $3/$6 live then you are my hero and I need advice from you.So if you do not want money, then I think we can all give advice, which you have gotten.As far as the shoulder, God has the biggest shoulders I know of.
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I'm on the edge of calling shenanigans. You're uninterested in asking anybody for a loan, or explaining where the mother is or where the rest of your family is, but you are interested in the idea of a charity golf tournament? And you make a living playing poker but made a thread asking what limits you should play with a $90 BR? Also, you support yourself and your son by playing poker and selling some stuff on ebay and deposit $90?????? To make a living at poker you need a serious BR, $90 should be like nothing to you in regards to poker. SHENANI.......ok not yet, almost though.

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