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Yesterday drove to the casino... lost 200 bucks.. play was not just horrible, everybody was a d_ouchebag. On the way home got a speeding ticket. Got home lost more online. Couldnt listen to my roommates they are annoying, so I went to the library and wrote a paper and created an organazational chart. When I finished it I emailed it to myself so I could print it when I got home.This morning the paper was due at 10 am. I lost my internet connection, so I had to rode my bike to the library to print my paper(sh_itty parking on campus). You need an ID Card to print, and I left it at home, so I had to go back home. When I got back luckily the internet was working, so I printed my paper. I rode my bike to class (20 minutes late). I left my organizational chart at home, so I rode back home. I rode back to class 50 minutes late. I didn't get credit for a case study we did in class. Luckily I got to turn in my paper and org chart.On my way home I got my Cordoroy (sp?) pants caught on my bike chain, and ripped the hell out of my pants (they were my favorite pants). Chilled out for about 2 hours, and then rode my bike to the pool for swim practice. I forgot my lock, so I went back home (I had another bike stolen 2 weeks ago so I wasn't going to risk it). Arrived at swim practice 20 minutes late. The coach didn't even let me in the pool and suspended me for 2 additional days. I didn't really care, I dont even really like swimming. The only reason I do it is because it is the only thing that I'm semi good at, and if I don't do it I'll sit on my a_ss all day.I want a girlfriend, girls don't like me, I have no game.I hate school, but I'm so close to being done that I can't drop out.I hate my roommates, and the majority of my friends.I don't know what to do with my life after school, I have no goals, no ambition.I know most of you hate sob stories, I know I do. There are a lot of people in this world who have hardships that I wouldn't dream of having, but I'm truly on life tilt, I don't know what to do with myself. This is a bad beat forum though, I felt like I had to vent my frustrations somewhere.blah blah blah I'm just a whiny b_itch.

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I go through some of the same **** (not knowing what to do with life, dealng with assholes on a daily basis, and college) and while I can't offer much advice in solving such problems because obviously I can't solve them myself, I can tell you a girlfriend probably won't solve much. Good luck though. As for poker, take a break, it helps. First time I went broke I felt like **** for a few weeks. I was like "wow. At one point I couldve bought a car with that money but now I have absolutely nothing to show for it" You'll get over it after a while.

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WOW. You live in Cali?! Lucky... I live in Canada and it's cold as hell here. Took 3 hours to get home from work yesterday(a 35 minute drive). After a $hitty day that makes it 100 times worse!Go have a double big mac and veg in front of the TV.....always makes me feel better...

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We all go through life slumps, and often losing at poker just magnifies the dire situations. To the OP:Hang in there, life sucks sometimes, but it sure beats being dead. You don't need a girlfriend to establish your own self-image.Find things you do enjoy and concentrate on those - people being douchebags will never change, it's just the way some (sometimes most -.-) people are.Good luck!

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WOW. You live in Cali?! Lucky... I live in Canada and it's cold as hell here. Took 3 hours to get home from work yesterday(a 35 minute drive). After a $hitty day that makes it 100 times worse!Go have a double big mac and veg in front of the TV.....always makes me feel better...
Yea I was just talking to someone about that yesterday. I was talking about how much I hated the weather this week and my buddy told me if I said the same thing to someone in Minnesota or Canada they'd kick my a_ss lol. But yea I came off as kind of a crybaby in my post and I shouldn't be that down about things. I guess I have to look at the positives and not the negatives.
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Maybe after you finish school, you'll get a decent paying job, and then poker losing wont be as harsh. Oh, and with a good paying job, usually women like money :club: Keep yer head up.

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Tanner, You had a crappy day, a very crappy day and you have no woman, which makes it suck worse. Thing is, you are young, you live in Santa Cruz (I grew up in Monterey, I LOVE Santa Cruz) and in the long run, none of this small stuff is gonna matter. It just sucks for now. Cheer up and go ride the Giant Dipper or something. You know what I hate about Santa Carla? All the damn vampires.Nik

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Maybe after you finish school, you'll get a decent paying job, and then poker losing wont be as harsh. Oh, and with a good paying job, usually women like money :club: Keep yer head up.
Money does help.
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